Chapter 36.1

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Jungkook asked me: "Lisa, do you like me?" I didn't even have to think about it and immediately blurted out, "What nonsense! That would be like abusing myself!"

At the time, the teacher on the podium suddenly called out, "The two students at the back, please pay attention to the class".

I kept quiet.

As I walked back in evening, my mind was whirring with the words Jungkook had uttered, "Lisa, do you like me?"

No! Was it possible that I really liked him? That would be horrible!

He was already oppressing me day and night with his incessant demands. If I liked him, this would never be over. And if I liked him and he didn't, would it not be terribly humiliating?

The most important point to note was that this guy had strange tastes. He had a lofty vision was always looking down on me. That meant he would definitely not like me. So If I liked him, I was destined to the tolerate the bitterness of unrequited love. I went over emotions the other day and concluded that it was natural for a girl to feel shy when a guy was kissing her. It did not, in anyway, indicate my fondness of him.

This thought finally calmed me down and I went to sleep.


Recently, I had encountered a very troublesome thing. I had chosen tennis for this semester's physical education class, and I soon realized what a big mistake this was. The main problem was that our PE teacher was a very serious person. She was planning to check our serves next week. Anyone who did not perform well would have their marks deducted. I was very worried about this matter. When I complained to Jungkook, he patted my shoulder and calmly said, "I will teach you".

I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to partner Jungkook in sports and studies, and one of the sports he had selected was tennis. But then I had hidden in the self-study hall all day out of resentment and he had not been able to find me. So I excitedly pulled his hand and smiled with all my charm. "Jungkook is so amazing!"

He looked at me trying to butter him up and smiled smugly, "How will you repay me?"

Yikes! I knew this guy was up to something. Of course as a person who was very familiar with him, I had nothing to say, "What do you want?"

He thought for a while and then waved his hand generously, "Forget it, just come with me to pick apples in the garden during the weekend".

I couldn't help but sigh. Jungkook you are too devious! Then I scratched my head and asked him, "Aren't you going to be busy with the shooting?"

Jungkook replied casually, "Taehyun's face is still swollen. It is impossible to shoot anything till it goes down".

Aren't you even a little bit embarrassed, Jeon Jungkook?


Jungkook wore a white sportswear with light green wrist bands on the wrists and he looked like a hero. When he arrived on the tennis court, all the females in the surrounding areas turned their attention to him. I seemed that girls in this year were members of the 'Looks are all' club. Actually, I was too.

But Jungkook was not perturbed with all the attention and felt no pressure at all. He calmly held the racket and slowly swung it in the air. Then he started explaining, "Your body should be at a forty five degree angle. Pay attention to your balance. Stretch your arms to the front. The racket and the body needs to be at the same angle. The swing the racket. Pay attention to the mesh surface when you swing. Keep moving forward. Use your whole arm instead of just the wrist movement to swing, otherwise you will injure yourself. Don't stop in the middle of the swung....use the inertia of motion of the racket.......ok now you try".

Jungkook and the physical education teacher spoke at the same time. I understood a bit, but not all of it. At this point, I was strangely nervous. I grabbed the racket and held it but realized I didn't even know how to hold the racket properly.

Jungkook shook his head, "I really admire you. After such a long class, you don't even know how to hold the racket?"

I was dismayed. I changed my posture and held the racket, but my grip was awkward.

Jungkook sighed. He dropped his own racket, then came forward and put his fingers over mine to correct the grip. As he adjusted my grip, he whispered, "Why is your hand is so smaller then mine?"

I looked at his slender fingers over mine. I could feel my heart jumping in my chest and my breathing become uneven. Jungkook did not seem to realize my strangeness. He helped me correct my grip, then lifted his hand and knocked on my head. He smiled and said, "Why are you so lost?"

"No nothing" I shook my head shyly, I stepped back a few steps and started swinging the racket for practice.

Jungkook stood in the same position and looked at me. When I was no longer moving my hand he asked me, "What happened?"

I pulled my hand and panted, "I am tired".

Jungkook was clearly gloating, "Didn't I tell you to follow what I am doing?"

I cried and replied, "I can't learn. I thought I understood what you said, but when I try to do it, it's difficult".

Jungkook came over. He grabbed my hand and held the racket. Then suddenly, he pulled me in his arms!

What kind of situation is this?

The girls around screamed at this sudden move. I looked up at Jungkook in panic, but this time, he didn't look at me. I could just see his chin from my vantage point. I was so nervous that my legs were soft. I gulped, "You...."

His voice was cold but clear, "I am helping you correct your swing. Any problem?"

My mind at this moment was completely blank. I mechanically replied, "No, problem".

He put his hand over mine holding the racket. His other hand was on my shoulder. He took my hand and rotated it backwards. I couldn't help but take a step back. Immediately, he complimented me, "That's it!"

Then he brought my arm forward. "This arms doesn't need to be straight. Just keep it at a certain angle so that you can manoeuver it. You're doing great Lisa!"

What was I doing? It was obviously you doing all this from start to finish!

As he swung my arm forward, the movement was smooth. Then he looked down at me and asked, "Now have you learnt it?"

I didn't know what to say. Jungkook's breath was on my neck. Suddenly, I felt a twitch in my neck. I felt a bit hot and uncomfortable. But he kept his position and did not move. I was feeling strange. I looked up at him. His eyes were focussed on me, as if they could penetrate all my thoughts. The heat in it seemed like it would melt anything in its way. I didn't dare to look directly at him anymore and lowered my eyes.

"Lisa", Jungkook murmured, "You aren't playing attention".

I kept my gaze lowered as I didn't know how to answer this question.

"You really don't like me?"

I kept quiet.

"If that is true, I wont mind", he whispered softly.

There was a strange sensation rising in my heart.

"Please, there must be some limit to your ego".

Once I finished saying this, I struggled away from his grasp and turned away, racket in hand.

Jungkook blocked me from the front and I almost hit his chest. He looked at me, "Are you angry?"

I lowered my eyes, "Do I dare be angry at you?"

"You look as if I bullied you".

I was upset, "Of course you bully me".

Jungkook patted my shoulder, "It's alright. I was just joking".

I kept my head lowered with a sullen, "Doesn't matter".

I didn't know why I suddenly got angry, and I didn't understand why there was a sense of loss in my heart after Jungkook explained that he was just kidding.

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