Chapter 38

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Jungkook stood under the orange street lights and looked at me with a slight smile. 

His smile was like the sunshine in winter, warm and comforting but equally unreachable.

"Do you want to practice first?" He asked.

His voice was as clear as spring water, but my back stiffened at the question. Practice?

Jungkook placed the bicycle aside so it was leaning against the side of the road. He stared at my eyes and asked, "You don't want to?"

His eyes looked beautiful. His black pupils reflected the orange light of the street lamps. This kind of gaze was hard for any girl to resist me, leave alone me who had been thinking about him for a very long time....

There were very few people on the streets at this point of time and my courage grew. I clenched my fists and nodded slightly. Okay, let me admit this, I was actually very interested in this proposal.

With a chuckle, Jungkook lowered his head towards me. I was feeling a bit nervous. I dared not move or close my eyes.

The soft, warm lips touched my lips with no forewarning. Though I was expecting it, I was still caught off guard. My body stiffened, and my eyes widened. I was looking into Jungkook's eyes in close proximity. But he was looking into my eyes as well and the unexpectedly soft emotions in those eyes made me forget the touch on my lips. Was this an illusion? Why did I feel like there was a something like caring in his eyes?

Suddenly, Jungkook let ago of me. He licked his own lips and said, "Why are your lips so cold? Are you feeling cold?"

I watched his tongue flicker as it licked his full and plump lips. Suddenly, I had an urge to rush and bite his lips. Oops! My thoughts were becoming more and more evil....

I blushed furiously at such a perverted thought.

Jungkook raised one hand and gently patted my face. He was smiling as he asked me, "Are you feeling shy?"

His fingers were like oil to fire. Wherever they touched my face, that part started burning even more furiously. I lowered my head as I lost the courage to look at him. But as soon as I lowered my head, he lifted my chin with his fingers, and to my surprise, started kissing me again!

His lips were still soft and warm. They lightly brushed against my lips and I could feel my lips warming from his touch. Then he opened his mouth, and started sucking my lips gently, then with increasing force. I could feel my lips numbing. Unsatisfied, he then used his tongue to lick my lips, slowly. I could feel the blood from my whole body rushing to my lips. Everything receded into the background, and all my consciousness was centered around the burning sensation on my lips.

Jungkook moved his head from side to side. His eyes were closed. His eyelashes trembled slightly like fine and delicate feathers fluttering in the wind.

The sensation on my lips suddenly disappeared and I froze slightly. Jungkook let go of my face, but his body was still close to mine. His lips brushed over my cheeks, then moved to the corners of my face till they finally reached my ears. Slightly upset, he whispered in my ears, "Lisa please close your eyes and give me some reaction". As the word penetrated the fog in my brain, I could feel my heart thumping in my chest".

I froze and suddenly I felt very useless. But I was so overwhelmed! How do I reach?

He took hold of my arms and placed them around his neck, "Hug me", he instructed. I was feeling really embarrassed by now but I still complied. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Jungkook let go of my shoulder. Instead, he circled my waist with his arms and pulled me closer to him. Then he said, "Close you eyes".

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