Chapter 21

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I don't know if it was the heat stroke or his evil intentions that affected him, but Jungkook looked unwell. He lay down on the awning of the boat and closed his eyes. I leaned on the side of the boat and feasted my eyes on Taehyung in the other boat. He had released the oars and was using a bamboo to push against the bottom of the lake to make the boat move. The open lake provided a lovely backdrop and as he stood against this, he looked more and more powerful and handsome. The sunshine hit his bronzed skin and made him look masculine and energetic.

I looked at Kim Taehyung and grinned to myself. At this precise moment, Jungkook came over. Leaning with his elbow placed casually against my shoulder, he commented lazily, "Enjoying the view?"

I was spell bound and answered him absent mindedly, "He is handsome".

"But he isn't yours", Jungkook said.

His reply annoyed me. I turned my face and shook off his arm from my shoulder. Jungkook continued smugly, "Hey, did I touch a sore spot?"

I was a both embarrassed and annoyed, but I didn't know what to say, except that this guy had really unveiled a sore point. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself.

Taehyung was an extremely reserved person. I believed he was slow in recognising and acknowledging his own feelings. He was counting on me to approach him. I thought about it hard and decided a radical approach was required. As the idea firmed up in my mind, I opened my eyes, stood up and walked to the side of the boat. I pretended to admire the scenery. As if enamoured by the scenery, I took a step forward. In the next minute, I had plunged headlong into the water. As I fell, I shouted out in fright, "Tae Oppa help!" Then I plunged into the water and waited for the rescue.

I was silently admiring myself for coming up with such a brilliant idea in such a short time. I wasn't afraid of water and was happy to wait atleast half an hour for the so-called rescue. Of course, there was no way I could let them know this fact. I had to pretend that I was accidentally drowning so that Taehyung could be the hero who would save the damsel in distress. I could just imagine how the scene would play out. He would worry about me....

And this would open up the way for our first contact. After that, the rest would flow naturally, hehehehe....

I thought of all this as I graciously waited in the water for my rescue.

Soon, I was dragged out of the water. I kept my eyes closed and my limbs hanging weakly. I loved how he held me against his wide chest. I was almost drooling in delight.

After I was dragged onto the boat, I could feel someone pressing against my chest, trying to pump out the water I had accidentally swallowed. I spit out a few mouthfuls of water, but continued to keep my eyes closed. I heard Taehyung's voice from some place near the top of my head, "Jungkook, why is she not waking up? Do you want to try artificial resuscitation?"

Jungkook's voice was very close to me, "I'll try".

So I suddenly realised that the person who had saved me was Jungkook. Jungkook! I opened my eyes immediately and spotted Jungkook bowing down his head. I raised my hand just in time to cover his mouth and smile, "Um....I.......I am fine".

He looked relieved when he saw me open my eyes, but his expression soon turned into anger as he pushed my hand away, "So you were only pretending all this while?"

"Not at all!" I got up from the boat floor and avoided his eyes.

"Lisa!" Jungkook's face loomed in my vision and there was a fire in his eyes, "This kind of jokes can kill a person and you know it!"

I lowered my head in annoyance, "I can swim very well. I don't want to bother you".

"You...." Jungkook's chest was undulating as he hyper ventilated showing me how angry he really was. He paused for a while, then continued in an angry tone, "Fine, I don't care whether you live or die!" Spitting out these words at me, he walked to the stern of the boat and sat down with his back to me, no longer wishing to continue the conversation.

I was stunned at his over the top reaction, then turned my face to look at him. Taehyung scratched his head, looked at me doubtfully then turned a look at Jungkook. He was probably wondering why we were fighting like this. Actually, even I was wondering the same thing. This was just a prank and yet, Jungkook was genuinely angry. I had seldom seen him lose his temper like this. This kid was evil incarnate, but he had always maintained an amiable manner. I was dumbfounded with his reaction.

Taehyung hesitated, then finally said, "Lisa, actually Jungkook was really worried".

Before I could respond, Jungkook immediately turned back and barked at Taehyung, "Kim Taehyung, shut up. Don't talk to her".

Taehyung shut up immediately.

Suddenly, I felt very courageous. Jungkook, if you are trying to bully me, I can let you. But how dare you bully my Tae Tae? So I angrily shouted back at him, "What are you saying to Taehyung?"

Jungkook sneered, "I am talking to Taehyung. Why are you butting in?"

I groaned and finally shut up in anger, Jungkook seems to very good at this unlike me I don't like to fight with anyone.

The whole atmosphere was cold, and none of the four people spoke. The boat slid across the water slowly and passed the bunch of lotus flowers. I caught the faint fragrance of lotus and my heart calmed. Jennie picked a large flower and tucked it in her ear. She looked funny. She sat next to me as she peeled a few other flowers and snacked on the seeds. She asked me if I wanted any. I shook my head. I was not in the mood.

Jennie whispered, "Idiot!"

My hearing was good so I immediately heard her remark and asked, "What do you mean?"

She looked straight at me and said aloud. "I said that you are an idiot and Jungkook is really unlucky!"

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Then you are still naive. Why are you talking about Jungkook?"

"Crap!" Jennie knocked on my head with a lotus stem. "Because the onlookers are clear, everyone knows what Jungkook has done for you, and what you did to him".

I pushed away the stem, "For example? Why do I feel that he has just been bullying me?"

Jennie took another lotus and knocked me on the head with the stem again. She said, "Please! Jeon Jungkook thought that you really had an accident and rescued you from the water. Isn't that a good thing to do? I was really scared as well, but he was the one who reacted the quickest. You said you can swim well, but at that time none of us knew that. I looked like you fell into the water and there was a real danger that you would drown. Who knew that you were just playing a prank? Truthfully, forget Jungkook, even I feel like kicking you now".

I bowed my head and sighed "Did I go too far...."

"You don't think so? Would you dare say no? Tell me you don't think that you unnecessarily scared people, that you took the prank too far...."

I let her knock my head and then whispered, "I was wrong......."

Jennie then took the lotus in my hand and started peeling it. I suddenly realised that I had taken the prank too far. Jungkook even risked his life to save me, I feel shameless.

I was guilty!

So stared at the sleeve of Jennie and tears fell, "I sincerely apologise to all of you".

Jennie pushed away my hand impatiently and continued to peel the lotus seeds, "Go away, why should you apologise. Just stay away from me!"

After being dismissed peremptorily by Jennie I quietly stepped towards Jungkook.

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