Chapter 46

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Jungkook said: "Now Can I do something?"

Lisa: "...."

Jungkook didn't wait for me to talk suddenly, I kissed my mouth and licked my lips and gently twirled. Then the kiss spread to the back of my ear, and then all the way down, hovering around my neck.

I was heated by Jungkook, but I still had some reason, so I pushed him hard. "Forbidden, Before marriage no sex...."

Jungkook had to raise his head in a hurry. He held one hand on my side, the other hand picked up the hair in front of my forehead, Kissed me on my forehead, and looked at me with a grudge, saying: "When are we going to get married?"

I blinked and didn't know how to answer this question. I really didn't think about it. Under the eyes of Jungkook's persuasion, I hesitated for a while and hesitated and replied, "Let's think about it after our graduation okay?"

"Well, I will get married after graduation and I will not be allowed to go back" Jungkook finished, got up the bed and picked his jacket.

I looked at him wrongly. What are you talking about?

After a while, Jungkook turned out a small red heart shaped box and sat back on the bed again. He smiled and opened the box, took a ring from it, grabbed my left hand, and put the ring on my middle finger. My attention was drawn to his white and slender hand, and the spirit was a bit embarrassing.

"It's look good on you" Jungkook said, lifted my hand and kissed it gently on the ring.

The sofa lips touched my fingers, and my heart suddenly softened.

After doing this. Jungkook looked up and looked at me with his mouth open and his eyes were full of soft smile. He took another ring and handed it me. "It's up to you, jus put me the ring".

My face was red, and the ring was trembling on his left middle finger. The ring is very beautiful, the imitation is also very good, the rhinestone sparkling is very dazzling, like a real diamond.

After wearing it, I leaned on Jungkook and kissed on his ring.

Jungkook pulled me into his arms and held it tightly. He glared at my head and said, "Lili, you know what we just....You know right what it means?"

"Huh?" I don't know, I only know that ring should be worn on the ring finger.

Jungkook's arm was tight, chuckled and whispered: "It means we are engaged"

Lisa: "...."

I leaned in his arms, grabbed his hand, and played with his beautiful fingers, and said with dissatisfaction: "You haven't proposed marriage yet".

Jungkook took my hand and said, "This is my way of proposing, don't you want it?"

I scratched my head and hesitated: "Don't you think it is too fast?"

Jungkook: "Fast? I can't wait to find the root chain and tie you to me forever".

Lisa: "...."

Jungkook, you are really a person with ideas.

Jungkook saw that I didn't answer his question. Suddenly he lifted my chin and forced me to look at him. He looked at me straight and said dangerously: "Why? Don't you want to marry me? Why are you not willing to be with me forever Lisa?"

"I....oh, yes, I am willing"

Jungkook didn't take my words he just asked again: "What are you willing huh?"

I have to answer him yes otherwise he won't leave me so I said: "I am willing to marry you".

I thought that Jungkook would let me go. I didn't expect him to catch my lips and kissing me hard damn, my poor plump lips....

I am a little bit sorrowful, Jungkook, proposed me just like this, I thought of it something but he.... I was a little wronged, and I just bite his lips and then he lose my lips consciousness.

Jungkook was know enough and finally said, "Sorry baby, I can't wait for romantic stuff okay, still I will give you a romantic proposal so don't be angry okay".

This is how I engaged with him.


Today is New Year's holiday, so Jennie went out  with Kim Taehyung and Minnie went her hometown so only Rose in the dormitory so as soon as I entered the dormitory, she looked at me and smiled.

When I thought of the so-called engagement ring on my hand, I was even more guilty so I asked. "What?"

Rose took her chin up and looked at me. "Lili, from the real recruit, what exercise did you do with Jungkook last night you didn't came back to the dorm?"

Sweat, It's so cumbersome for anything to be in her chipmunk mouth. I shook my head and said, "Just nothing, we watched movie and like that"

Rose smiled, "Huh?"

I gave her a look "Then we rest"

Rose knocked on the table and squinted and smiled. "How do you rest? Open the room and sleep on the bed? How many times have you done? How long Jungkook need to wait for you?"

I reluctantly squeezed my forehead. "I was drunk last night. We didn't do anything. Even if I didn't get drunk, we can't do anything. You think everyone like is like that?"

Rose's eyes are very bright, "Really, Nothing happened?"

I knocked her head. "Don't think about, really"

So Rose nodded and said, "I can see it, he won't do anything because he is a gentleman or you won't let him do anything?"

I was made a black line with her words, "Hey can you stop think about it just say something else seriously?"

Rose carried a finger and swayed gently and said, "Don't blame me for thinking, not everyone is like you. Now there are many people who are think like this"

"What do you mean?"

"Look here" Rose said, opened a web page.

On the homepage of the campus forum, there is post with word Hot. The title of the post is : "I hereby declare my ownership of Jungkook"

The signature ID of the post.

Rose smiles to open the post, the content of the post has only two words: "Such as the title"

Such a simple style is like a metamorphosis. I wiped the sweat and then looked down. The first reply to this post is "I am Jeon Jungkook", I know this is Jungkook himself. His reply is also very simple. "Top post does not explain".

I am dizzy, what do you want to do with this kid?

The reply in this building was very fast. Everyone came to the water. Many people asked this question. Jungkook did not answer finally one person asked: "Are you two together?"

Jungkook quickly replied, "Yes"

The man in the downstairs is blasted. "Together is nothing like this normal time. The key is the response time of Jungkook".

Someone asked: "Jungkook, what have you done today?"

Jungkook replied, "Doing sports stuff"

Then someone asked, "What do you do sports this evening?"

Jungkook replies: "A very common kind of exercise"

Someone asked "Do you exercise, are you tired?"

Jungkook replies: "I'm okay, but she is little tired"

Someone asked: "Where is she now"

Jungkook replies: "Still need to ask, of course on the bed"

The someone shouted: "The mouth said nothing, we need picture"

Jungkook calmly responded: "The scale is too large to be open"

So, the downstairs whole chat is boiling.

I looked at the group of wolves under this post, and I wanted cry without tears. Every words that Jungkook said is not true but it is connected together. But it is sinister death. How can I plant this metamorphosis?

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