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Minghao kneeled down in front of Taylor and asked her again but with a softer tone.

"Sorry babe, I shouldn't yell at you. But what did he do?" He cupped her cheeks and saw how red her eyes were. If Sean was there he would rip his head off in a second.

"He kissed me Hao... I'm sorry..." the girl was sobbing

"It's not your fault" he started rubbing her cheeks "Now tell me the name of the hotel and room number"

"No no, you're not going there"

"You didn't let me punch Junho and now this?"

"Why did you want to punch little J? Oh hi I'm your girlfriend's brother, Tyler"

"No reason Ty. Hao I don't want any problems for you. If this goes out to the media your image will be ruined"

"I don't fucking care about that! You're my girlfriend and you're here crying because some asshole kissed you. How do you think I feel?" He stood up after giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Sorry, I'm Minghao. Nice to meet you." He bowed to Tyler "Can you tell where you're staying"

"Calm down MiMi" Tyler said putting his arm around the Chinese boy "I know your angry but you are an idol. You cannot go around and punch people... but I can. Sooo you're going to stay here with my baby sis while I go and show that stupid bitch that he shouldn't mess with my sister,ok?" He said all of that with a smile on his face making Minghao get a little bit scared

"But-" he was cut

"But nothing... she needs you"

Minghao even though he didn't want to feel useless he did what Tyler told. He sat down hugging Taylor making her calm down.

They heard a knock and got startled, they know is not Junho because he is in the dorm playing with Dino. So who may that be?

Minghao seems to know because he left his place next to Taylor and went straight to the door.

"Babe I'm sor-" before Sean could finish his sentence Minghao grabbed him by the collar and punch him in the face making a bad cut on his lip

"Who the fuck are you?" Sean yelled


"I'm her boyfriend and if you try and touch her again you will go home back to your momma with a broken nose" Minghao growled toward the foreign boy

"Wow sis, you found one of the good ones, he even speaks English" Tyler clapped "Now MiMi if you excuse I also want to be a part of the action"

"Tyler?! I thought you were helping me?"

"Well change of plans and you shouldn't kiss my baby sis" he punch him on the nose " you needed to fix your nose. I'm just helping"

Sean got up bleeding from his nose and stared at them.

"Taylor what the hell! I know I kissed you that's why I came here to apologize. You're dating someone?"

"Sean I told you I have moved on. Please just go home..." she told with teary eyes

"How?! We broke up not that long ago"

"Almost a year, it was not planned it happen"

"I'm not going babe, I'll be here until you come with me"

"Are you deaf or something like that?" Minghao said "she doesn't like you. It's over. She's happy with me"

"How happy will she be when the news of you dating gets out to the media?" Minghao glared at him "I remember your face from that day at Hybe. So you're going to shut up and I'll be here fighting for her until she says yes"

Quiet Romance || Xu MinghaoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora