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I sit on the back porch after putting Daniel to bed and Drake comes out and sits beside me.

"She's just looking out for him."  He says, looking me in the eye, "She loves the snot outta that kid."

"I appreciate the offer, but I think I'm gonna stay with Ben." I whisper, looking down at my hands.

"If you're uncomfortable, then okay. But Daniel just got you back and he's gonna feel like your leaving him again."

I nod and tears fill my eyes, "I left a note. I told you I was coming back in a year."

"I never saw it. I always wondered why you never sent Divorce papers." He chuckles and tears silent pour down my cheeks.

"I didn't want one. I thought my family would be here when I came back."

He lets out a small chuckle, "How's your butt feel?"

I cringe, "Still hurts a little."

We sit in silence for a moment and he lets out a sigh, "Did you finish the fire academy?"

"Yeah. I did the rest of it at my Mom's."

He nods and shakes his head, "I always thought I would be pissed if you came back. I'm just relieved."

The sliding door opens and Andrea comes out.

"I'm sorry if I came off as harsh and unwelcoming." She apologizes, sitting on the couch across from us.

"I understand." I smile and she lets out a breath of relief.

"I love that boy as if he were my own. I promise you, while he's under my care he is safe. He's fed, content, and happy. He just misses his mommy and daddy." She explains easing the relief off my shoulders.

"Thank you." I whisper and she walks over beside me and rubs my back.

"I'm here if you need to talk. But if you ever leave that little boy again I'm not telling him you went on vacation." She warns and I sigh.

"Someone just didn't find my note." I growl and Drake rolls his eyes.

Something tells me this woman is spiteful.

"I'm going to bed." I announce before walking upstairs.

"I put some fresh sheets on the bed and some clean towels in the guest bath." Audrea announces and I nod before walking upstairs.

"DANIEL!" I shriek as I run over to him, pulling him off the railing of the top floor that looks over the bottom.

I tuck him under my arm and land several swats on his backside.

He immediately starts kicking and crying.

"What happened?" Drake asked running up.

"He was sitting on top of this!" I scream and Audrea's face sets.

"I told you earlier if you got back on that you we're loosing your toys for a day and Daddy would spank you." She warns as she grabs my crying child out my arms and sets him on the ground.

"I just wanted to slide down the stairs." He cries, shielding his butt.

"You could have gotten hurt." She says in a softer tone and Drake grabs him arm.

"I don't want one!" He cries and it breaks my heart as Drake carries him to his room.

Audrea looks at me for a moment and shakes her head.

Suddenly sharp slaps are heard and I cringe as my son starts crying again.

I walk into his room and close the door, watching as my son gets spanked.

"Mommy make it stop!" He cries, "Wiggling against Drake's grip.

"I'm telling you right now, you ever get on that railing again and I'll spank you and take your toys for a week." He warns and Daniel nods as he cries.

Drake stops and pulls Daniel up to his chest. Daniel wiggles away and runs to me, hugging my legs.

I pick him up and kiss his cheek, moving my head to the side. Just as I remember, the crook of my neck is still his go to.

"Beat Daddy up!" He cries, holding onto me.

"Do you want Daddy to get spanked?" I ask amused and he nods.

"Audrea!" I call and she instantly walks in, "Daniel said that Drake needs to be spanked."

"Oh does he now?" She smirks and Drake stand up.

"Okay ladies, and Daniel, we can talk about this." He laughs and Audrea grabs his arm and bends him over the bed.

"Do you wanna do it Daniel?" I ask and he nods.

I set him down and Audrea brings a chair over to Drake for Daniel to stand on,

I set Daniel on the chair and wipe his eyes, kissing his head.

"This is for spanking me." He huffs as he rears back and slaps Drake's butt as hard as he can.

Audrea and I both start laughing and Daniel turns to me.

"Mommy that hurt!" He screams holding out his hand.

"I can show you." Audrea smirks as I pick Daniel up.

She moves the chair and stands behind Drake, resting her left hand on his back.

She pulls her arm back and slaps it down, surprisingly Drake shoots up with that one.

"Woman that hurt." He warns as he kisses her.

"Mommy can I sleep with you?" Daniel asks resting his head against my shoulder.

"Of course." I smile and the two of them kiss Daniel goodnight.

I carry him to the guest room and he lays his head on my shoulder tiredly.

I lay him down in bed and lay beside him, pulling him to my chest.


"Yeah baby?" I ask snd he rolls over to look at me.

"Now you're back, Audrea goes bye bye?" He asks hopefully and I raise an eyebrow.

"Do you not like her?"

He shakes his head "She's mean to me when Daddy's gone."

"How is she mean?" I ask and he looks down.

"She always yells at me and calls me mean names. Hers said that Daddy didn't love me but I KNOWS my Daddy loves me." He explains and I sigh.

"Well Mommy's here now baby, and I'm never leaving you again.

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