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Ben PoV

I follow my sister out the room and she slams the door of an empty office in my face.

The paramedic's jaws drop and I open the door open. I walk in and see Valerie sitting against the wall, her head buried in her knees.

I walk over and sit beside her, rubbing my hand on her shoulder.

"Please Lord don't let us get a call." I say quickly, knowing my team is out of shape right now.

She lifts her head out her knees and lays in on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." She says pitifully and I pull her onto my lap.

"You're gonna be okay." I assure her and she fights to even out her breathing.

"I can't lose another kid." She says quietly and I can hear the pain and fear in her voice.

I pull my phone out and text Levi to come in. He comes in quickly and sighs when he sees Valerie.

"Ben?" She says quietly and I look down.


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to find me and bring me home." She says quietly and I kiss the top of her head.

"You and Daniel can stay with me and Alayna tomorrow." I assure her and she nods.

"Alright there's only one way I know how to fix this." I sigh and pull her to stand up with me.

"You, don't take your eyes off her." I order my lieutenant and he nods as he holds Valerie.

I walk back to my office and I see Drake crying in a chair and Jackson putting his belt back on.

"'My belt needs some action, been pulled off so many times and never got used." He chuckles, smirking at me, "You offering Chief?"

"No sir. Been on the receiving end of that thing too many times." I chuckle and look to Drake.

"You've got chores to do." I order in a dark tone and he nods.

"Let me guess, they decided to act like everything's fine when Val came back?" I ask and Jackson nods.

Drake closes the door behind him and I shake my head.

"I'm pulling both of them off squad today, they're not in the mindset to rush into a fire." I say and Drake nods.

I shake my head and send up a prayer, begging we don't have a call today.

My team is so out of wack.

"Alright I know what we're doing today." I smirk and Jackson raises an eyebrow.

"Marks, Gabriel, Bracy, and Jameson. My office, NOW!" I call, making it sound like I'm mad.

"Not my fault!" Marks announces and Gabriel slaps him upside the head.

"Owww! Jackson he hit me!" Marks whines and Bracy rolls her eyes.

Jackson chuckles and grabs Gabriel's arm.

"Are you lieutenant or captain?" He asks and Marks stick his tongue out at him.

"I'm a lieutenant." He says, honestly questioning if he's in trouble.

Jackson chuckles and slaps him upside the back of the head.

"Alright! I announce before looking around, "Where's Jameson?"

"He's still in there with Andrews, she's fuming." Marks announces, always knowing where his people are at.

"Okay, we'll go get him." I order and Marks nods.

The two quickly enter after a few moments and I go into explanation. We're running drills all day.

"Jameson stay a minute."  Jackson announces and I look to him. He's got that look.

I hated that look as a teenager.

"Yes sir?" He asks cautiously and Jackson's jaw set.

"Did you hear when Chief Andrews called for you?" Jane questions and I sigh.

"I did, sir." Jameson admits, knowing he's in trouble.

We both knew what Jameson would choose. Even for the smallest infractions he asked for an alternative punishment.

"You ignore direct orders in here how are we supposed to trust you to obey orders in the field, to give orders?"
I ask jumping in.

"I was with Andrews." He says in an almost bored tone.

"Your choice. Belt or... shit Harper's got chores." He grumbles and I think for a moment.

"Belt or you're sticking by my side for the rest of shift, helping me with paperwork."  I offer and Levi cringes.

"Just give me the damn belt." He grumbles, walking over to my desk.

"Looks like my belt gets some action today."  Jackson chuckles as he pulls his belt off.

Jameson/Lcvi bends over the desk and I slide a paper in front of him.

"Sign." I order and he quickly signs the form saying he consented.

Jackson takes his belt off and looks to me. I hold up 10 fingers. Jackson pulls his arm back and lands the first lick.

Levi doesn't move.

I mouth 'harder' at him and he nods, letting the second lick land a little harder.

I see Levi's leg twitch and I nod at Jackson to finish up.

He lands the next 5 in a rapid succession and Levi jerks forward a bit.

He lands the next 3 slow, giving each lick time to set in. Jackson's always been that way, he keeps everything inconsistent and it's truly the worst.

Jackson puts his belt on and rubs Levi's back in a comforting manner before letting Levi stand up.

"You good?" I ask, trying to hear his voice to see if he's truly okay.

"Yes sir." He admits, "Just hurts a bit."

"Well if it's only a bit why don't you go ahead and bend back over." Jackson says in a dark tone it even scares me.

He starts laughing and I can see Levi's face fall into relief.

"Get out of here ya dork." Jackson chuckles and Levi nods before leaving.

"You're evil." I smirk and Jackson shrugs.

I place the consent form in the correct folder before walking out my office.

Everyone's running drills. Literally everyone. Even my lieutenants, one of which you would never guess just got his ass beat. They're running alongside their squads and not just yelling at them to move.

I see Valerie running, surpassing all the men.

She might be an emotional wreck, but she's gonna make one hell of a firefighter.

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