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Next chapter is very depressing so I'm just gonna do one more before expressing depresso enters, also giving a little backstory to Ben and Valerie growing up. Also this chapter is super long.

Jackson POV

I walk in from work and see Valerie and and Drake coloring while Ben and Daisy work on homework.

"Ben called and said they're parents were high as the clouds again." Natalia whispers, explaining what had happened.

Their parents weren't good people, leaving 16year old Ben to always take care of his 4 year old sister.

"Ben walk upstairs with me." I order and I see how he tenses up.

"Yes sir." He says quietly as he stands up and follows me upstairs. I walk into the room that he usually stays in when they're here, which is more often than they're not. Valerie has her own room as well.

"I want you guys to move in. Your 16 kid, you shouldn't be raising your sister. You're already here more than you're at home and it's not safe for either of you there." I offer and he lets out a breath of relief.

"If I say yes, it's just until I graduate and then I can take Val?" He asks and I nod.

"If that's what you want." I explain and he nods.

"I mean yeah I guess." He says as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Alright what'd you do?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"N-nothing." He stutters, diverting his eyes from mine.

I look at him up and down and nod, "One time to come clean."

"Nothing." He says quietly and I nod.

"If I find out your lying to me Benjamin..." I trail off and he nods, looking away from me.

I know he's lying to me.

He walks back downstairs and I shake my head.

We fostered those kids for 3 weeks and then the state gave them right back to their parents. That's the day we stopped fostering.

Their parents don't give to craps about Valerie and Ben, so much so that Natalia and I are still listed as their emergency contacts.

I walk downstairs and Ben is getting onto Valerie.

"If you don't drop the attitude I can fix it for you." He warns and Valerie crosses her arms, looking down.

I shake my head and answer the door to whoever's knocking.

A cop is standing in my doorway.

I look over and see Ben watching with fear in his eyes.

"We got a call saying that some teenager, who was most likely at this address, egged their house. Names Benjamin Andrews." The cop explains and I turn to Ben.

"Your parents?" I ask and he nods slightly.

"Sir can we speak to you?" The woman asks Ben and I hold my hand up.

"Please, just let me take care of this. He egged his parent's house because once again he's taking refuge here while his parents are high on dope." I plead and the partners look at each other.

"Does he promise to never do it again?" The male asks and I nod.

"He won't even think about it."

He nods and tip his hat at me, "Have a good day sir."

I shut the door and Natalia is looking at Ben shocked.

He's terrified and I watch and he gulps and just stares at me.

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