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I spend the next week getting reacquainted with my son and before I know it, it's time to start working.

"YOU CAN'T!" Daniel screams as he runs towards me.

"Cant what?" I ask and he hugs my legs.

"You can come with us." I smile and he nods as I pick him up.

"Valerie you can't." Drake whispers and I shrug.

"Miss Amelia used to watch me and I know she's still there."

"What if there's a call?"

"Miss Amelia."

He sighs but we leave.

We arrive at the station and a tall man smirks at me.

"Hey little guy!" Jackson says as he runs over grabbing Daniel, "Come see your grandpa!"

I walk to Ben's office and he gestures for me to sit down.

"JAMESON!" He calls and I sigh as I slide down in my chair.

Ben snaps at me and doesn't ease his glare as the tall man walks in.

"Good morning Chief." He smirks and Ben rolls his eyes.

"She's on squad. This is her first year. I expect you to take extra good care of her." He orders and I groan.

"Yes sir."

"Oh and Levi?" He asks with a smirk.


"That means in the workplace. Not in your bed."

My cheeks flame and Jameson rolls his eyes as he leads us out.

"I've heard a lot about you." He smirks as he shows me to my locker.

"Saw a lot too?" I ask, still embarrassed.

"Dont worry. I think the only person Jackson hasn't turned over his knee since we got here is Ben. Oh and also Eliza, the PIC." He chuckles and I stop.

"He actually?"

"Oh yeah. I've gotten two from him. One was just a few the other, yikes." He laughs as he shakes his head in remembrance.

"He's still Lieutenant?" I ask and Jameson shakes his head.

"Assistant chief. Marks is the Captain, Gabriel and I are the Lieutenants, and Bracy is the PIC." He explains and I nod.

"MOMMY!" I hear and I roll my eyes to Drake bringing me Daniel.

"You brought him, you can deal with it." Drake growl's passing me Daniel.

"What did you do?" I ask and he hold out his hands.

"I brought you candy!"

"So your Dad actually spanks people? Like adults?" I ask and he nods.

"Chief lets him handle discipline, he always tells people they can be wrote up and doing all the chores or they can take a spanking cause he hates paperwork. I'm the only one that doesn't have a choice." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"WHO ATE MY CANDY!?" Ben yells and I press my lips together.

"DANIEL!" I scream and Ben walks in and glares at Daniel.

"Did you eat my candy?" He asks in a dark tone and Daniel shrinks into me.

Ben grabs him and stares him dead in the eye, "You take my candy again and I'm gonna be forced to only buy peppermints." He smirks and kisses Daniel's cheek, "All you gotta do is ask little guy."


Engine 20, Truck 80, Squad 10, Ambulance 20. Structural Fire 638 Potato Lane*

Ben passes Daniel to Miss Amelia while we all run to the trucks, quickly getting out turnout gear on.

I jump in the truck and as told, stay by Jameson the entire time.

We arrive to the scene and I'm ordered to stay by the truck.

"Hi, I'm Eliza." A woman smiles walking over to me.

"Valerie." I introduce myself, shaking her hand.

"Damn it, Andrews get in there!" Ben calls and I run in the building.

I see Jameson trapped under a bookshelf and Drake lifting it.

I run over and check his pulse. Relief crashes over me as I pull him out and throw his unconscious body over my shoulder.

Drake grabs the man Jameson was trying to grab and the two of us rush out the house.

"Damn!" Ben yells as I lay Jameson on the gurney.

"What the hell happened?" Ben asked and I shake my head.

"Carbon Manoxide. The alarm called us directly and told us 2 people live in the house." Drake answers and I pull my mask off.

"Where's the other?" I ask and Drake looks me dead in the eye.

I put my mask back on and run inside, ignoring the screams from my brother, husband, and father in law.

Legally he's still my husband.


I look around and run upstairs only to find a little girl passed out by a widow in her room.

I grab her and put my mask on her, holding my breath as I run out.

As soon as she's also on gurney Ben puts an oxygen mask to my face and glares at me.

"You just ignored a direct order." He growled and I went to open my mouth but shut it when I saw his glare.

I haven't seen it since the night before I graduated.

The ambulance leaves and Ben shakes his head as he finally lets me take the oxygen mask off.

"Get your ass in the truck." He growls and I nod, walking to the truck.

Jameson joins me and gives me a silent nod as he climbs into the drivers seat.

"What the hell did you do?" He asks and I look down.

"Ran back in."

"Ohhhhh you're dead." He laughs and I roll my eyes as we pull back into the fire station.

"What'd you get it for?" I ask and he cringes.

"First time was only a few swats, told him to quit acting like he was chief. He was captain at the time. Second time was when I ran back into a building about to collapse ignoring Chief's orders."

"How long ago was that?"

"A week." He smirks and I climb out the truck.

Drake has Daniel in his arms and is holding him tight.

"If you're ever in a fire and can't get out, you sit in your window and bang on the glass. Understand?" He asks seriously and Daniel nods.

"Let me see him." I sigh as I grab my baby out Drake's hands.

I wraps my arms around him and kiss his forehead.


"Haven't heard that tone since night before graduation." I chuckle and Drake rolls his eyes at me.

"Is Mommy getting spanked?" Daniel asks as I pass him to Drake.

"ANDREWS I SAID NOW!" Ben barks again and I sigh.

"I'd say odds are definitely not in my favor."

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