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Valerie PoV

It's been a week and so far the social workers are being very helpful and we're getting everything ready in the home.

"Y'all aren't married?" The social worker asks and I shake my head.

"Not yet." I smile and she sighs.

"Im sorry I can't put a kid in an unstable home." She apologizes and I look at her blankly.

"So you're telling me if we get a piece of paper saying we're legally married, that's all we need to get Samuel?" I ask and she gives me a small nod.

"If you make it by 5, the courthouse will still be open. Do that and I can put adoption papers in tomorrow by noon, judge should see you by Friday."  She explains as her phone starts ringing, "If you'll excuse me it's on of my own foster kids." She chuckles before walking away.

"Go get dressed and grab Keys." I tell Levi and he stares at me quietly.

"We're not actually getting married, we just need a slip of paper saying we are until we decide we're ready." I say mostly to myself and he kisses my forehead.

We head to the courthouse and we go through the vows and the blah blah blahs.

"I pronounce you husband and wife." The judge says and we share a quick kiss before walking out.

We send the papers and the social worker acknowledges, gives us a smile and motions towards a little boy.

"He looks just like Drake." I say shocked and I take a moment to breathe.

"Samuel?" Levi asks and he looks up, trembling.

He gulps and stares at Levi, not saying a word.

"We removed Sam from a home today and the judge instantly granted you allowance to take him home." His social worker whispered and Levi glares at her.

"What happened?"

"I walked in for a routine check up and to inform him of you wanting him and found his foster brother abusing him." She says quietly and I walk over to Samuel.

"Hi Sam." I say, not moving to close, "Do you mind if I sit by you?"

He nods and I take a seat by him.

"My name is Valerie, but you can call me by my name or any shortened version you like."

"Can I call you Val?" He asks and I nod.

"That's perfectly okay." I give him a warm smile, "You're going to come home with us, and I just wanted to prepare you for what you're gonna see."

"I don't wanna go." He tells the social worker and she chuckles.

"Sam, Valerie and Levi are adopting you."

He looks at me horrified as Levi walks over.

"Samuel, I am so sorry you've had to go through this. I didn't know you were even alive or I would have come for you. The moment I found out you were in the system, I contacted lawyers." Levi explains, resting his hand on Samuel's knee. "I promise you I won't hurt you. I don't break promise."

"So when we leave, we're going to go to your favorite restaurant and get some food. Then we're going to go to your grandparents house to pick up Gabby and Daniel. Gabby is your half sister and Daniel is technically your cousin and brother." I explain carefully, "My husband died and his wife has been dead for a few years, and I grew up in and our of the system but his family saved me and my brother, Ben."

Sam eyes me nervously and I can see him checking out my my hands and face.

"Can I just stay with you tonight?" He asks the social worker and I watch as Levi's face mimics pain before he quickly masks it.

"Sam, you like going by Sam right?" Levi asks, kneeling in front of him and taking his hands.

"Yes sir."

"You don't have to call me sir."


"Sam I know you don't trust me yet, and I don't expect you to. But you will be safe at my house. If you want your birth mother in your life that's up to you but Id never force it." Levi explains and Sam eyes me nervously.

"Sam. We're both fire fighters. So when we go on shift, we're taking time off for a while but once your comfortable you'll stay with either Levi's dad or my basically mom, your birth mothers mom."

"Are you hungry?" Levi asks and Sam hesitantly nods.

Levi stands up and holds his hand out, "Come on buddy, let's go get you some food."

The small 2 year old boy takes Levi's hand and stands up, following him.

"Thank you." I tell the social worker and she gives me a soft smile.

"I was abused in the system then given right back to the abusers. Us foster kids have to stick together. I just wish they all had an outcome like ours did." She says quietly as she marks a paper on her desk, "Take care of him, he's the sweetest little thing."

"He's going to be well taken care of." I assure her before walking out to go join my technical husband and now technical son.

When I get out then Levi is picking him up and situating him in a booster seat.

"I already love you buddy." Levi chuckles as he stands by Sam, "What's your absolute favorite food?"

"Happy meal."

"One happy meal coming up." I add on as I climb into the passenger seat.

When Levi gets in he starts the car and starts asking Sam what all his favorites are and what he wants his room to be.

Green and dinosaur.

"Shopping today or tomorrow?"  He asks me quietly as we pull into McDonald's.

"Tomorrow, call Ben and tell him we're taking furlough. And call Jackson and tell him to let the kids know and that as of today, Daisy is not coming near him."

"You sure you want to do that?"

"He's my kid now, I put my kids before anyone else."

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