371 14 1

Levi PoV

I call Gabby into my office and she has tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to tell her." She spits out quickly and I sigh.

"It's okay love." I smile kissing her forehead.

She looks to my hands and lets out a sigh of relief.

"Why'd you do it?" I ask, kneeling down to her height.

"She just told me that I was slacking in her class and she was gonna assign me extra homework because of it." She mumbled and I closed my eyes.

"She's saying that you're grades aren't good right now and she's giving you extra credit, something to help bring your grade back up." I explain and she looks down, "Look at me Gabriella."

"That's what Valerie told me." She whispers and I nod.

"And what about your attitude from when I was with you?" I asked and she tilted her head back down. I lightly smacked her thigh and she instantly snaps her head back up.

"I was still mad and thought it would be funny to embarrass her." She whispers and once more turns her head away.

I let out a frustrated sigh and pulled her over my propped knee, delivering 5 swats to her backside.

"I'm not gonna tell you again to look at me when you're speaking." I warn and she nods, shielding her butt with her hands as I pull her back up.

"You thought it was funny?" I ask and she goes to look down but instantly looks back up.

"I just wanted to see her face." She explains quietly and I groan, grabbing ahold of her arm.

I stand up and lead her to my office chair, lower the arm rests, sit down, and pull her to stand between my legs.

"Gabriella Jane listen to me and listen to me closely." I warn and she already has tears swelling in her eyes, "Are you listening?"

"Yes sir." She whispers, not daring to look away from my gaze.

"You're not grounded, I don't think it's fair to ground and spank you for this. But you ever disrespect ANYONE like that again, I will take the paddle to you. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir." She choked out, tears spilling out her eyes.

I glare at her for a moment before picking her up and laying her over my lap, pinning both her legs between mine.

She layed still and placed her hands on her back. I knew she just wanted to hold and squeeze my hand, that's why the top one walk
Palm up.

I pressed her arms to her back and rested my hand on her thigh.

I raised my hand and brought it down quickly, quick to land down another swat.

Aside from a few gasps and grunts, she stays relatively quick for this fire 15 or so.

Once I got close to 20, she started to become a little more vocal.

"Ow!" She yelped, squeezing my hand.

I rubbed my thumb over her hand in a comforting matter as I continued to spank her.

No doubt she was getting stronger, strong enough I actually had to hold her down due to all her wiggling.

I felt my leg being soaked and her head pressed down against my leg.

I paused for a moment and flipper skirt up, revealing her shorts and she went still.

"Explain to me why you have 7 pairs of shorts on." I whisper and she stays silent.

I slap her thigh and she yelps, still not answering my question.

"Report cards come home today." She whispers and I sigh.

I peel all but one pair of shorts off her eland place them on the floor before going back to spanking her.

This time she was much more vocal about her complaints and the situation in general.

"Stop!" She shrieked and buried her face in my jeans.

I watched her breathing closely and saw she was close to hyperventilating.

I landed 5 more swats before pulling her up and setting her infront of me.

"This ever happens again, this right here will become acquainted with your bottom." I warn pulling the ping pong paddle out and she flares at it in pure horror.

She says nothing as she climbs into my lap and rests her head in the crook of my neck, crying into me.

I look around and take notice of my soon to be sore neck and sigh, picking Gabby up and carrying her out the room.

Everyone goes silent when they see her in her tearful state and she clings to me tighter.

"Gabby can you come over here?" Drake asks quietly and she nods, getting off my lap as soon as I sit down and crawls into his.

She looks to Valerie and looks down. Valerie grabs Gabby and surprisingly lays back and lets Gabby lay onto of her.

"You okay?" Valerie asks her quietly and Gabby nods, closing her eyes.

She falls asleep in Valerie's arms and the rest of us get to work on chores and such

I hear Gabby yelp after about an hour and she immediately runs towards me.

"What happened?" I ask, checking to make sure she's not hurt.

"I rolled." She cries, basically forcing me to pick her up.

I shake my head and pick her up, carrying her while doing the rest of my nightly duties.

Ben and Jackson walk out their office and both give Gabby a sympathetic smile.

"Do you want me to spank your Dad?" Jackson asks and Gabby immediately grabs hold tighter to me.

"She's not leaving my arms unless we get a call." I chuckle and Gabby moves her head to the crook of my neck.

Jackson rolls his eyes and walks over, kissing her on the forehead.

"We all love you kid." He assures her and she nods.

Valerie looks at her and nods silently. I raise an eyebrow and she shakes her head before turning to Drake.

Natalia walks in and passes Daniel to Drake.

"You owe me $100."

"For?" Drake ask's cautiously.

"For your son dumping his juice all over my white rug. I have to get it professionally cleaned." She growled and Drake set Daniel on the ground.

Welp, looks like my kid isn't gonna be the only sore one.

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