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Just because I'm feeling generous 😘

"What are you rambling about?" Levi asks and I feel my hand twitch.

"Daniel go play in your room." I tell my son and he nods, giving my legs a quick hug.

Levi walks to Sam's room and lays him down, turning to stare at me.

"What's going on?" He asks, closing the door, "And no screaming this time."

"Your Mom told her that she never liked Ava anyways. In a fit of frustration Gabby slung her arms and forgot she had a fork, and it flew. Try talking to our child before you go straight to discipline." I seethe and he nods.

"Have I ever spanked her without talking to her, since you've known me?" He asks calmly and I shrug.

"I don't know all the details." I mumble, twiddling with my hair.

He takes both my hands into his and pulls my chin up to look at him directly, "Valerie Ann, listen to me and listen good. I would never just go straight to spanking unless I'm the one she did wrong to, and I witnessed it firsthand. I've always talked to her and made her understand why she was getting it before hand."

"But they said horrible things about her mom." I defend and Levi chuckles.

"I'll call my Mom and have her send me the camera footage, they have cameras because my brother used to sneak into the kitchen at night and carve into the countertops. Dad found out it was him and tore his backside up." He explains, kissing my head, "If she said anything negative about Ava the four of us, including you, will have a talk about respectful boundaries and if need be I can cut contact for a while."

"So you would defend me if I died?" I ask and he chuckles, pulling me into a hug.

"Baby, we're gonna die together, holding hands on a beach surrounded by all our kids and grandkids." He assures me, "Nobody's getting away with talking about Ava, not even my mother."

Levi POV

I kiss Valerie's cheek and walk off, giving her a moment to think on my words as I take a breather.

Coming home has been so overwhelming, Gabby is getting spanked because she needs to learn to be aware of what she's holding. She's throws so many things forgetting she was holding them, including a knife dead at my head.

Thank Jesus I'm a firefighter and have great reflexes. That's the first time she met my belt.

I knock on her door and wait for her quiet 'Come in' to enter.

I shut the door behind me and take her desk chair, turning it backwards and resting my hands on the back.

"I want to start this by saying I'm sorry for being jumpy at you." I begin and I watch as her little face crinkles into pure pain.

"I want a full story though. What happened, and what exactly did Nana say about your Momma?" I ask softly and she starts bawling.

I get up and sit next to her, pulling her into my side.

"She asked how I was coping with Valerie and- and then she asked me how it affected me about my mom. Then she told me she hoped Valerie was better cause she, she said she never liked Mom anyways and she was glad she was dead and when I turned around the fork just flung and I'm so so so so sorry I didn't mean to but then Papaw walked in and Nana was standing in shock so he asked what happened and she told him I threw a fork at her so he just pulled me to my room and starting whipping me and didn't even stop until I could barely breathe Dad it hurt worse than what you gave me when I told Mom I hoped she died. Is that why she died? Did I cause her to stop fighting?" She explains in such a panic and rushed voice I start questioning myself.

"Baby girl let me start by saying you are NOT the reason your Momma is dead. Your Mom was sick, and baby she died in my arms, telling me to make sure you always knew how much she loved you and she would always be proud of you. She was sick, cancer SUCKS!"

"But I told her-"

"But did you tell her sorry? Did you tell her you loved her 1000 more times than you told her you didn't?"

"Well yes but-"

"Gabriella you listen to me and you listen good, you're only counting that one time, but count the thousands instead. Your mom knew we loved her. Do we love Valerie? Absolutely. But we still are allowed to love and miss your mom."

She nods and I wipe the tears from under her eyes.

"Are you gonna spank me?"

"This is the only time I'm breaking my rule, because if someone had said that to me I would have lost my cool too, and you didn't even mean to." She smiles and gives me a huge hug, "Don't make me regret it, start being more aware of what you're holding before you go slinging your arms around."

"I'm gonna take a shower." She smiles, standing up and giving me a huge hug, "I love you a thousand times."

"I love you way more hun."

I stand up and leave her room, walking out to find Valerie playing with Daniel.

"You spank her?" Valerie asks darkly and I shake my head.

"You make me a better parent." I chuckle, tilting her chin up off the ground to kiss her, "Don't worry about cooking, I got it tonight."

"I set hamburger meat out for spaghetti. It's in the sink."

"I'll get it cooked."

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