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Why did nobody tell me I failed at counting chapters??

Jackson PoV

I smirk as I walk into the Diner, holding Daniel on my hip with Natalia beside me. Levi walks in a moment later and his face drops.

"Levi." Daisy mumbles looking down, "I thought you left town."

"I came back." He says quietly, "You're Drakes sister?"

"What's goin on?" Natalia questions and I can see something in Valerie's head click.

"Daisy are you that girl?" Valerie asks and Gabby walks out the bathroom, dropping her cellphone immediately.

"Let's step outside." Natalia orders in confusion on all of us walk to the car.

"You two had better get to explaining." I order darkly, fixing Daniel on my hip.

"Levi is my ex." Daisy mumbles and turns to Valerie, "When you said Levi I didn't think you meant him."

"What went down?" Natalia asks in a warning tone and I see Levi chuckle.

"We both got drunk after Ava died," Levi starts and I feel my face heat up, "She got pregnant. I told her I wanted to keep the baby, that even thought what we had done was wrong there was a reason God made that baby and Daisy disappeared. I figured she'd had an abortion."

"Adoption." Daisy interrupts, "He's two and last I heard he was in a foster home about to be adopted."

"He's been in the foster system? I told you that if you didn't want a child I would raise him." Levi says darkly.

"That means you were out having sex not even two years after Mom died." Gabby says quietly, anger evident in her voice, "Did you even care about Mom?"

"Gabby of course I did baby." Levi assures her, "I still love you mom."

"You have a fine way of showing it." Daisy snorts and Levi turns around and  glares at her.

"I want his name, and the number of his social worker. I'm getting my son." Levi warns and I get worried at Valerie just sitting still.

"This wasn't even a topic to discuss with me?" Valued asks quietly and I shake my head.

"I'm not even hungry anymore." Daisy spits and Levi agrees quietly.

"Mama!" Daniel screams and when she looks down her face pales.

"Oh fuck no." She grumbles as she sees a man with his hands on her child.

Levi is quick to jump to and I grab Gabby pulling her back.

"Get your filthy hands off my child!" She screams, getting attention from everyone.

"Ma'am, he fell and I was trying to help him find you." He says apologetically.

"I'm so sorry." She apologizes quickly and Natalia sighs.

"All I wanted was a nice family outing." She grouches as she gets back in the car.

Everyone loads up and we drive back to Valerie and Levi's place in silence.

"Thank you for trying." Natalia whispers to me and smile.

Drakes death still sits heavy on her heart.

"I'm the morning I had better see you four in the pew right beside us and if not we are going to be having a not so pleasant discussion. You will be at church." I announce and Levi smirks

"Wouldn't miss it. I hear Brother Brown is preaching about discipline in the household."

"Can we skip I don't want to get up." Gabby groans and Valerie smack her thigh.

"You didn't have to hit me!" Gabby screams and Levi leans over shooting her a glare.

"Yell at her again and my hand is gonna have a lot more to say about it than I think you'd appreciate." Levi warns darkly and Gabby groans.

"You scream at my daughter again and we're gonna have some issues." I warn Gabby.

I look over through the mirror and make sure Daniel's still okay, only to find him sleeping.

Valerie PoV

"I don't want to go to church."  Gabby says agitated and I look up.

"Jackson, what happened the one weekend when Ben and I first moved in the second time and I threw a fit about going to church?" I ask, not once moving my glare from my new daughter.

"She toted a butt whooping and then got another at church in the bathrooms for having a sour attitude." Jackson explain and I glare at Gabby.

"Try me little girl."

We ride home in silence and when we get to the house, I hug my "parents" goodbye.

We walk inside and Levi immediately walks to the office and shuts the door.

I carry Daniel upstairs and get him laid down. He was tired.

I take a moment to process everything that has happened this morning and I shake my head.

Gabby heads upstairs to take a nap and I walk to the office. I sit on Levi's lap and snuggle up to him.

"You wanna go take a nap?" He asks quietly and I nod.

"I'm exhausted." I mumbled and he picks me up bridal style.

He carries me to our bedroom and we both change into lounge clothes.

When I come out the closet, I'm in leggings and a baggy t-shirt.

I climb in bed and snuggle up to Levi.

He wraps his arms around my waist and I lay my head on his chest.

"So when was I gonna find out?" I ask softly and he sighs.

"I was under the impression that she'd had an abortion. I figured that was a conversation we could have after we have a year under our belts."

"So how are we gonna get him?" I ask and tears hit his eyes.

"You'd really be willing?"

"Anything for you." I smile softly and he kisses my head before grabbing our bibles.

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