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Valerie PoV

Everything has mostly  calmed down at the firehouse and we got a call almost right after we ran 2 drills.

Drake and I both had to sit on the sidelines and watch for the next two shifts and it sucked.


"What?" I ask, picking Daniel up.

"Daddy mean." He pouts crossing his arms.

"I'm about to be even meaner." Drake announces walking over to me.

He grabs Daniel out my arms and starts swatting at his backside leaving our son to kick and scream.

I sigh and wait as Drake then grabs Daniels arm and plops him in a corner.

"Your three almost four years old. When I tell you to go to timeout, I shouldn't have to worry about you not listening." Drake explains calmly but still firmly.

"Yes sir." Daniel pouts and I bite my lip from saying something.

"What'd he do?" I question and Drake rolls his eyes.

"If I tell you are you gonna take a spoon to him?" He spits and my jaw drops.


I say nothing as I walk upstairs and start packing a bag. I pick up a phone and call Ben.

He answers on almost the first ring in a tired voice.

"What's up?" He asks and I sigh.

"Can you ask Alayna if I take Daniel somewhere and don't tell Drake so I can avoid a fight if I'd be charged." I ask quickly and he goes quiet.

"Alayna's in the shower right now but no you wouldn't. You're still legally married and you both hold the same rights to him." He explains, "Where are you going?"

"Can I zone stay with you?" I ask quietly and he lets out a breath.

"Absolutely. Is this a situation you need out of right this instant and need me there?"

"Can I keep you on standby?"

"Absolutely." He says without hesitation, "Call me when you're on your way."

I hang up and pull my bag over my shoulder before walking to Daniel's room and packing him a few outfits.

I turn to see Drake sitting in his room on his laptop and I quickly walk down the stairs.

I grab Daniel and he thankfully stays quiet as I put him and my bag in the backseat.

I quickly jump in the front seat and get a call from Levi.

"Hey." I answer as I start to pull out the driveway.

"Uhh what the hell is going and and are you okay?" He asks quickly and I sigh.


"Hell yeah. He just called me and asked if he called again could I get to your house quick enough because I'm closer than he is."

"I'm on my way up Ben's now." I sigh as I connect my phone to Bluetooth.

"Bull. You need to come here." He says matter of factly and I cringe.


"Because if something is seriously wrong first place anybody is going to look is Ben's." He explains and I groan.

"Fine." I huff and hang up before calling Ben.

I explain everything and he's silent for a few moments.

"You over reacted." He says and my jaw drops, "He's probably gonna sue you for custody now."

I hang up without saying bye and pull into Levi's place.

He's waiting outside impatiently when I see him grab his phone and answer it. His face shifts from relief to almost pure anger.

I climb out the vehicle and suddenly my phone starts ringing. I see Drake calling and ignore it as so grab Daniel out the car.

"Really Valerie?" He asks darkly and I cringe at the usage of my full name.

"Go find Gabby." I tell him as I set my son down to go play.

"What?" I ask m, crossing my arms, "you asked me to come here."

"Because you're acting like my nine year old daughter who can't control strong emotions." He growls and my jaw drops, "Drakes talking about getting a lawyer because of your bratty attitude. He thinks you may be showing signs of disappearing again so he doesn't trust you along with Daniel."

"You!" I growl. Grating my teeth together, "You have NO IDEA the hell I've gone through."

"Quit using it as an excuse." He spits and crosses his arms, "You went through some tough crack you never should have, but quit using it as a get out of jail free card just because you're acting like a spoiled little brat."

"I am not a spoiled brat" I mumble and he scoffs.

"You're acting like a child, Valerie."

"You're acting like a dick." I shoot back and he closes his eyes for a moment.

"You can stay here, but call Drake and tell him that HIS SON is okay and still in the damn city limits."  He says with such finality that I almost listen.

Key word; almost.

"And if I dont."

"Glad you asked, Ben is on the way and he said that if you don't find a way to talk to Drake about Daniel in a civil matter he's taking his belt to you again. Your choice." He announces and my jaw drops, "Call your damn husband."

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