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Another day, another torture.
I absolutely hate waking up, mostly because I never get any sleep. Unfortunately, the only person I can blame for that is myself. I go to bed around 11-12, which is not bad, but then I fall down the deep hole of anime and end up actually going to sleep at 3 in the morning. On a good day.

I groan, tapping around the bed, looking for my long lost phone in the bundle of sheets and blankets. I can hear it ringing, but I can't see it. Maybe if I bothered to open my eyes, I would see it...

I've given up. It will turn off in a minute.
I was just contemplating the very existence of my being when I got slapped in the face with a pillow.

Well, if I wasn't awake before, I definitely am awake now.

'Can you turn the damn thing off?! I think you woke up the neighbors!' My younger brother seems to have been woken up by my alarm. Again.

'Jungkook, one of these days, Imma kick your ass!' I threw a pillow back at him, but he was already running towards the door, giggling at himself.

I don't even know why I bother threatening him. He is younger, only 16, but he is built like he is in his 20s. He is tall, and muscly. You know how there is a saying 'Puberty hit him like a truck'? Well, this was no truck. It was like a damn plane crashed on him. And it definitely got to him a lot earlier than for the most guys. I swear he woke up one day, and he was half a foot taller. It is kinda funny seeing the girls in the school hallways squeal when he passes by or talks to them. He is a really kind person, always has been. Especially since our father passed. He was kind of forced to grow up faster than most.

But thanks to him, I'm fully awake now. I can start getting ready for school. I'm a senior myself, just turning 18 in less than 2 months. I actually really like going to school. I've got some great friends there, including my bestie Suri. Jungkook is in the same group of friends as his friends were friends with my friends. Long story short, it's never boring.

I had a quick shower and got dressed. I think ripped jeans and a hoodie will be just fine. I think I will let my hair down. I did curl it up yesterday, purely out of boredom, but it kind of looks better today. I do need to do something about the color, though. It is currently silverish. I experiment with the colors a lot. I might do pink next.
Makeup time; mascara, blush, and lip tint. 2 minutes, and I'm done.

I took my backpack and went downstairs to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Mom's already gone to work, so it's just me and my Kookie.

'Have I told you yet that you are absolutely stunning?' Jungkook wraps his arms around my shoulder, grinning at me. It instantly makes me laugh when he's like this.

'Okay, out with it.' He needs something 100%

'Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.' He gets all excited and runs around the counter, so he is opposite of me. 'I wanna go to Taehyung's party, but mom won't let me go without you. I already asked.'

I knew it was gonna be something. 'When is it?' I ask

'Next Saturday.' He is still grinning, but hopping in his spot

'I guess I can be the nice sister and come with you.' I tell him, smiling at him

'I LOVE YOUUUUU!' He runs around, squeezing the life out of me, hugging me.

'I love you too, Kookie, but I can't breathe!!!' I struggle to say it through the laughter and the lack of oxygen in my lungs. I don't think he understands his own strength.

'Thanks, sis. Oh, double thanks!' He grabs the sandwich out of my hands and runs away, shoving the entire thing in his mouth. I can't even be mad at him. I just laugh at his idiocy and start making a new one. He does this every day.

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