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Jimin and I brought the snacks to the still silent group that was staring at us, joining them in the living room.
We sat down next to each other, waiting for the inquisition to begin, but no one said a thing.

'Anyone alive?' I ask, looking at the 5 statues in front of us

'WHAT THE FUCK?!' Namjoon yells again, making me jump a little

'They're together. It's not that complicated to figure it out.' Kookie snickers

This next thing might have been even more shocking that the two of us.

Yoongi got up from his spot, walking over to us and hugging both of us.
'Thank fuck. I had enough of suffering just watching the two of you.' Yoongi exhaled in relief, squeezing us tightly

'Sorry, hyung. That will never happen again.' Jimin says as we both hug him back

He let go and sat back down.

'Right, can you tell us what's going on then? Is this for real? Please tell me it is.' Jin says, sounding like he just got out of war

'It is very real Jin hyung. We're together. For good this time.' I smile at him

'How did this happen?' Taehyung asks, leaning forward

'After I saw her last week I told myself I'm getting her back no matter what. It was pointless. I came to see her the morning after and begged her to take me back. I just couldn't go on without her anymore. It's been too much, for both of us. And I'm sure all of you had your difficulties with all of it as well.' Jimin explains

'What took you so damn long, you idiot?!' Jin scolds him

'That one's on me. I didn't want to see him. I couldn't. I thought if I kept him away I'd get over him.' I say, feeling stupid that I even tried it

'Yeah, 'cause that definitely worked.' Yoongi scoffs

'Honestly, seeing the two of you together the other night, just talking, I thought to myself 'these two are the biggest fucking idiots I've ever met in my life.'' Namjoon finally spoke, without screaming. It made everyone chuckle a bit

'So what's gonna happen now? Are you taking it slow or what?' Hobi asks

'We are continuing where we left off.' Jimin looks at me, smiling, caressing my hand

'You mean...?' Yoongi trails off, wiggling his ring finger

'Yep.' Jimin smiles. 'Oh, I should give this back to you. Again.' He chuckles, pulling his chain out of his shirt

'Oh, shit. You still have that?!' Hobi almost jumps forward

'Of course. She already took it back, but I just kept it with me until we told you guys.' Jimin explains as he takes it off of his chain
'May I?' He smiles at me, asking for my hand

'Please.' I smile back, giving him my hand. He put the ring on my finger, kissing the back of my hand

'The fact you two can just do this so calmly is scary. You practically proposed to her. Again.' Taehyung looks terrified

'I didn't. But I will.' He smiles as widely as he could

'When?' Kookie asks, all excited

'I can't just tell you that. How am I supposed to surprise her then?' Jimin laughs

'Tell me later then.' Kookie whispers at Jimin, but it's loud enough for everyone to hear

'Okay, I'll tell you later.' Jimin does the same on purpose, making everyone laugh

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