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The tiny crack we left in the curtain was enough to shine sunlight on my face in the morning and wake me up.

I didn't want to open my eyes just yet, though. I felt Jimin's hand around my waist, holding me close as he was softly breathing in his sleep. The thought of the last night came back to me in a flash, putting a smile on my face.
It was our first night together. As an engaged couple. In our new home.
I felt like I was living in a movie.

I put my hand on his arm, gently caressing it, being careful not to wake him up. I could feel his skin on mine. Neither one of us bothered getting dressed last night, so we ended up falling asleep completely naked.

I felt him shuffle, and he tightened his hold on me, pressing himself closer to me. Even in his sleep, he wants to be close to me.

I want to scream with happiness.

'Mmmm... morning, beautiful.' His deep, morning voice woke me up from my thoughts

'Morning.' I giggle lightly, as he leaves a soft kiss on my shoulder

He nuzzled his face into the back of my neck, squeezing me lightly.
'Guess what?' He says


'We're getting married.' He giggles cutely, kissing my neck

'Yes, we are. I can't wait.' I just can't stop giggling and being happy

Being with him, and everything that happened since yesterday, makes everything from the past seem like a distant dream. Like it never happened.

'I gotta admit something.' He says quietly

'What is it?' I ask as I'm caressing his arm

'I half expected you to say no to me, or at least to tell me to wait.' He nuzzles closer as he says it


'Because of everything that happened. And I only got you back a week ago. Even I know it's a bit fast. I did plan on taking you back to the Ferris wheel where I gave you the promise ring and propose to you there, but when I heard you yesterday talking about it being an easy yes, I just couldn't stop myself.' He hugs me tighter

'I was just thinking earlier about how all the bad things went away in a millisecond once you kissed me. All I can think about is how happy I am with you.' I don't want him to feel guilty. Either one of us. We both had too much, and we need to leave it behind

'Then I promise not to stop kissing you for the rest of your life if it helps take all the bad things away.' He kisses the back of my neck

'You took everything away the second you hugged me. I felt so much relief and my heart felt like bursting. I barely contained myself from jumping on you then and there. I couldn't even look at you because I felt so flustered.' I tell him

'I didn't even realize what I did before I was already holding you in my arms. And then I felt the bracelet around your wrist taking you away from that guy and I said to myself, I'm getting her back.'

'That's why I pulled my hand away. I didn't want you to notice it. What an idiot I am.' I chuckle at myself

'It's understandable. I mean, I did wear your ring around my neck for almost 3 years.' He laughs

I lightly shuffle, turning around to face him.
'It's selfish to say, but I'm happy that you did. I don't know if I'd survive you moving on while I still loved you with my whole heart. I can't even imagine how hard it was for you to be in love with me for all those years and not say a thing.'

'I said I tried getting over you, and I thought I did, but thinking about the fact I wore your ring and even hung your painting on the wall, I don't think that's trying. It seems I was waiting more than anything else. And it was tough at times, but you were there. I saw you almost every day. It's not like you were with someone else right in front of me. That would kill me.' He says, gently caressing my face

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