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After that message he sent me, we haven't spoken again. I was hoping to receive more, but I think it's better that I didn't.

It's August now. It's been months. The next school year is almost here as well. Jungkook and Taehyung are seniors. Everyone is moving on as well, including Hobi. His dance academy has been doing well. We even went on a few classes as a group. It was a good laugh. 

I have been doing better as well. I've kept my grades up, and I'm excited about the new classes we're getting this year. I even got my license last month, so that's pretty cool.

What I am not excited about is the fact that it's Jimin's birthday today, and he is coming to celebrate with the group. I've been trying to decide if I wanted to go or not. I want to see him so badly. The group is not pushing me. I don't think he is expecting me to be there either.

I was weighing the options. If I don't go, it will be obvious I still love him and can't be around him. But if I do go, it might just be awkward for everyone else if anything bad happens. I am not in the mood to break down in front of everyone. 

'Sis, can I come in?' Kookie asks, poking his head through the door

'You're already in.' I laugh at him. 'What's up?'

'About tonight... Have you decided what you want to do?' He asks, sitting down on the chair by my desk

'I don't know yet. I've been thinking and I have no idea what to do.' I sigh

'You know, no one will blame you if you decide not to go.'

'I know. But I keep telling them I'm okay. If I don't go, I'll just prove to them that I'm lying. And if I go, it might be awkward.' He is more than aware of my feelings for Jimin.

'Whatever you decide, it's okay. No one is going to force you.' He gives me a tiny smile. He got up to leave, then stopped right in front of the door.
'He may or may not want to see you.' That was the last thing he said before leaving

For fucks sake, Kookie. I didn't need to hear that. How does he even know that?!


'So, you're going then?' Kookie smiles, seeing me wait for him downstairs.

'Yes. If it gets too much, I can always make up a lie and leave. I just don't want to rip apart the group we've had for years. I've been through worse. I can do this.' I smile confidently

'There you go. Even I almost believed that smile. Keep that up.' He wasn't even trying to make fun of me. He just knows me and is supporting me in his own weird way.

'Let's just go.' I sigh

We got to Namjoon's place, and I just couldn't bring myself to get inside. Kookie was standing next to me, nudging me lightly.
'Do you wanna turn back?' He asks me

'No.' I take a deep breath. 'We're here. No turning back now.' I take another deep breath before smiling at him. 'Come on.' I push the door open, walking in.

'Scary...' I heard Kookie mumble walking behind me

'Yuna! You came?' Suri jumped up in surprise, making everyone else stare at me

'Why wouldn't I? He's a friend, and it's his birthday.' I chuckle. 'It will be fine. As long as all of you stop looking like deers in headlights.' I joke

'She's right. No stupid comments and dumb things tonight, okay? Let's make this a good one.' Namjoon warns them

'Okay, everyone. Listen up. Get your shit together. He just pulled up in front. Let's scare the shit out of him.' Jin tells everyone, and they all start running around, hiding in the dark. It reminds me of my birthday.

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