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I barely slept last night. I didn't even watch anything, I just couldn't get to sleep. The entire evening kept replaying in my mind. From him asking me out, to the kiss. I didn't know how to act once I saw him.
Do I say anything? Do I pretend it didn't happen? What is he going to do? I did tell Kookie not to say anything, so that shouldn't be an issue. He doesn't know about the kiss, though. He wouldn't be able to contain himself if he found out.

Thanks to losing my sleep, I got up by 6:30, which gave me tons of time to get ready for school. I might as well use it and make myself look cute.

I curled my hair, putting in in a high ponytail. I do love this pink color. I added a little bit of eyeliner and curled my lashes. But just a tiny bit. A bit of lip tint, just one shade darker than my natural color. I've put on high-waisted jeans and a white top. It's a tight one, so I'll wear my leather jacket over it. I think some high Jordans will go along nicely with all of this.

I was already eating my breakfast when Jungkook came downstairs.

'Morning, Kookie.' I greet him

'What the hell? Did you even sleep?' He looks at the time and sees it's only 7:10.

'Not much, to be honest. Want some breakfast?' I ask

'Of course you wouldn't. Can't wait to see Jimin hyung, can you?' He grins

I can't even deny it. My face turned red as soon as he mentioned his name. I just looked away,  looking into my bowl with cereal.

'You're gonna have to compose yourself a lot more if you don't want the rest of them to make fun of you.' He says, taking my bowl and sitting next to me

'Come on, can't you make your own?' I complain

'Why? This is is already made, and you're not eating it anyway.' He says and starts eating. I guess he has a point

'What do I do, Kookie? How do you stay calm around Suri?' I ask him, laying down my head on the counter, looking at him

'I thought you were supposed to be the older one.' He teases, smirking at me. 'Just act as you usually do. You guys have become close, and people are used to it by now. Ignoring the mocking, everyone knows you guys are good. So just act as you did so far. It's not like you guys kissed or anything.' He mumbles, filling up his mouth

I didn't answer as I kind of froze. He looked at me, and you could see his eyes open wide. He dropped his spoon into the bowl, almost spitting everything out as he spoke with his mouth full. 'YOU KISHED?!'

I rotated my face, so my forehead was on the counter. I closed my eyes and nodded, not looking at him.

I heard him gulp down the bite, sitting up straight. 'Why didn't you tell me?! Wait! That was your first one as well, wasn't it? Who kissed who? What did he say? ' He keeps firing questions

'Kookie, please. I don't wanna tell you every detail. But yes, it was my first. It was his as well.  And we were both happy about it, okay? Please. Don't say a thing.' I beg him, lifting my head to look up at him

He had a huge smile on his face, almost hopping on his chair. It almost looked like he was vibrating.
'I won't say anything. I promise!' He says but is still grinning

'Okay, wipe that dumb grin from your face.' I laugh. 'Now, help. What the hell do I do?' I ask

'Okay.' He clears his throat. 'Just breathe. It might be a bit awkward for an hour or so, but you'll be okay. Just talk to him like normal. Same with everyone else. He's a good guy, sis. He won't do anything.' He puts his hand on my shoulder

'I know he is, Kookie. That's one of the reasons I like him.' I sigh

'Ah. You finally admitted it.' He grins again

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