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'How is Jimin doing? How does he like it?' Namjoon asks me as we're all sitting in his living room, just hanging out.

It's the weekend, so everyone had a day off. We decided to hang out a bit as we haven't done it in a while

'Oh, he's loving it, apart from the part where they train them like marines.' I chuckle

'How come you didn't go there today? Or is he coming here?' Hobi asks

'Neither.' I sigh lightly. 'He was chosen as one of the few to represent the academy in their showcase, so he has extra classes. So I won't see him for a few weeks.' I explain, fiddling with my bracelet.

I noticed all of them looking at each other with a million questions in their eyes, but no one knew what to say.

'Are... are you okay?' Jin decided to be the first to talk

'Yeah, I'm all good.' I smile. 'I'll go watch the showcase and all. It's on my birthday so it's kind of perfect.'

'Don't tell me we're not having a party this year?' Taheyung pouts

'You can have it without me.' I chuckle

'What's the point of having one without you? It's your birthday!' Yoongi complains

'I don't care about my birthday anyway.' I wave my hand

'So what are you and Jimin gonna do?' Hobi asks

'We haven't decided yet. But I don't much care. As long as I get to see him, I'm happy.'
The truth is, we haven't spoken in 4 days. I have no idea what's going on or how he's doing. With this showcase nearing, I hear less and less from him. It kind of scares me.

'I'm sure he'll pull some movie surprise or something.' Suri teases, making most of the guys laugh a bit

'I did tell him to flash me from the stage..' I joke

'In that case, I'm coming to watch as well. I've seen Jimin shirtless, and I'm ready to flip my orientation.' Hobi jokes

'You'll have to fight me for him, and I've got a sword if you don't remember. Jimin taught me how to use it.' I warn him. Jimin actually explained. He learned Kendo for years. There's little to nothing to what he can't do.

'I think I'll stick to girls after all.' He leans back into the couch, backing off

'I wouldn't fight her even without the sword when it's about him.' Kookie sighs
At least he knows where he stands.


I was in my room, drawing up a design for a manga character. We were asked to design it for one of the classes. I don't have anything else to do. Mom's working, Jungkoog is out somewhere, and the last time I spoke to Jimin was 3 days ago.

To get my mind off the things. I decided to throw myself in my work. At least I thought I could do that, but Jimin's face  keeps popping up in my mind. 

I haven't seen him in 3 weeks now. We speak maybe twice, three times a week, and it's not particularly long.
I understand that he's busy and tired, but is he so busy that he doesn't have the time to send me a message for days on end?
I just hope that this will end once the showcase is over. I will drive myself insane holding my phone and staring into my screen, hoping his name will magically appear on it.

It hurts to think that he can't take a minute in a day, a literal minute, to send 'I'm okay.'. It's not that much that I'm asking for. I'm supportive of his career choice and everything he has to do, but it still hurts.

But at least I'm going to see him next week, and things still go back to how they used to be.

I was scribbling and finally got myself out of my daze by looking at my drawing. Looks like Jimin invaded my life in every way there is.

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