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I had to let go. Otherwise, I never would have left.
I managed to smile through it, but once I felt the tears choking me up, I had to go.

I've been standing in front of her door for 15 minutes now, unable to leave. I'm hoping she will open the door. I hope to see her once more. But I know that if that happens, I will break down.

I quickly wipe the tears that are rolling down my cheek, sniffling. I just want the weekend to be now, so I can see her again.

Okay, Jimin, get a hold of yourself.
You've loved her for 3 years without her even knowing. Now she's yours. And she loves you back. This time, she knows. You can do this. Together.


I watched the door close behind him, and I contemplated running after him. But I can't do that. He needs to go.

I sat down on the ground, blankly staring at the door in front of me, hoping all of this is just a bad dream. Hoping he will come back.

I know there are way worse things that could happen. I know it's not the end of the world. He's only a few hours away. But what if he is too tired or too busy? What if I am? What if I don't see him for ages?

Will he still love me?

I need to stop thinking like this. We will be fine. I know how much he cares. We will do just fine.


*knock knock*
'Sis, can I come in?' I hear Kookie's voice as I'm sitting down at my desk, drawing something

'Yeah, come in.' I tell him, and he comes in

'How are you, Sis?' Kookie asks, leaning on the closet by the desk

'I'm okay. Why?' I look at him

'He left this morning, didn't he?' He asks

'Yeah. He is on his way to Busan now. He'll let me know when he gets there.' I smile

Seems his attention was pulled by something else. He touches his own wrist, 'Jimin?' He asks. He saw the bracelet

'Who else?' I chuckle

'That guy is insane.' He chuckles, taking my hand to inspect it

'Apparently, it's too early for a ring.' I laugh, remembering Jimin's words

'At least you don't have to worry about finding a husband.' Kookie chuckles as well

'I don't think I could find better.' I smile just thinking about him

'Seeing how happy he makes you, I have to agree.' Kookie smiles as well

'Thanks, Kookie. For everything. You're a great brother.' I tell him

'Yeah. You're definitely not okay. Probably dying or something.' He pretends to be scared as he backs away, going out of my room. What an idiot.

He peaks his head back in 'I forgot to ask, do you wanna come out with us? We're going over to Taehyung's.'

I guess it wouldn't hurt to socialise and get my mind off the things.
'Sure. I'm down.' I smile

'Cool. We're leaving in about an hour.' He gives me his bunny smile, then leaves.

He really is a great brother. I know he only wants me to be okay. He's trying his best. He knows better than most about hiding emotions and acting fine, so he knows not to push it or anything.

About an hour later, we headed over to Kim household. Suri was the first one to open the door, jumping right at Jungkook.

'You caaaame!' She squeals, squeezing him around the neck

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