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'I'm sorry. I don't know how long this might take. I will have to travel to Seoul on occasion anyway, so I'll do my best to see you.' Jimin says with an apologetic voice

'So it could be weeks, or it could be months?' I sigh

He was quiet for a bit before answering. 'Yes.'

'It's alright. This is why you went to that school. To make a career or if it. I'll support you as much as I can. We can do this.' I smile lightly

'I don't know how to balance all of this. It's so much work.' He pouts

'I know. But it won't last forever.'

'Ah, crap. I need to go. I have rehearsals in half an hour.' He groans

'Go, show them what you got.' I smile at him

'I'll call you soon. Promise.' He smiles and waves before hanging up

Well, this has just gone downhill even more.
After he got scouted, he got extra rehearsals every weekend. They didn't tell him how long it would take and when it would end. Which means I won't see him until then. I already haven't seen him in weeks. He didn't come this weekend either, and I couldn't go there.

I'll just have to rearrange the planner I made previously. I'll figure it out for both of us. I know he's way busier than me. He's dancing nonstop.


It's March. I heard from Jimin 5 times. The entire month.
He seemed tired when we last spoke. He seemed exhausted. They are working him too much.

I think I'm gonna go see him soon when he has at least one day off. Maybe this Sunday. Yeah, I'm gonna do that.

*knock knock*

'You coming?' Kookie peaks in

'Of course.' I grin
We are going to the arcade with the rest of the group. It's Friday. I need to get my mind off the things.

'Right, who's beating me?' Jin puffs his chest out, looking for an opponent in the driving game

'I'll take you on.' I grin

'You don't even drive!' Taehyung laughs

'Which will make it more embarrassing for him once I kick his ass. Let's go, old man.'

'Oh, it's on!' He stretches his arms, sitting down behind one of the wheels, and I get the other

'I'm gonna bet on Yuna!' Hobi laughs

'Not a chance. Jin's got this!' Namjoon argues

The game was pretty fun. We were racing each other, trying to smash into each other's cars. I was only joking about kicking his ass, but I actually won. It was mostly because I drove into him before the finish line, pushing him out.

'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT YOU CHEATER?!' Jin starts his insane rapping, complaining session

'Blame Jimin. He taught me how to drive.' I laugh

'That ass.' He mumbles

The rest of the games are pretty fun as well. We laughed a lot at our Kookie, who missed the target on the hammer one, where they test the strength. He was so frustrated. It was honestly hilarious.
Suri was happy about him winning a little toy for her from one of the grab machines. Taehyung smoked everyone's ass in mini golf. Yoongi killed it in piano tiles. It was a mess. But it was the most fun I've had in a while.

We went back to my place after that, just to chill.

'How is Jimin doing? I haven't heard from him in a while.' Yoongi asks me

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