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Another week had gone by. The last week of waiting.

It's today that I get to see him. I have been packed for days now. I barely slept last night. I just want to run to him. I can't wait to see this.

4 long hours later, I got off the train. We agreed I'll come to his place today. He couldn't come to wait for me as he is still in the last practice they had before the show. He did, however, leave me the key hidden under a plant pot. It's a bad idea, but let's hope no one found it.

Thankfully, they didn't. The key was safe and sound. I used it to get in and had a bit of a shock. He must have been reeeeally busy. The place looks like a bomb fell in it.
There are clothes everywhere. Dishes are stacked up absolutely everywhere. There are countless bottles of protein shakes.

I might as well clean this up. He won't be home for at least 2 more hours. It's only 9 in the morning.

I started with picking up all the trash. Then I put the clothes in the wash. I changed his sheets as well while I was at it. I washed all the dishes and put them back where they needed to be.

It was kind of calming and satisfying to clean up the mess. The place now looks brand new.
I'm gonna cook him something to eat now, so he doesn't have to eat out.

It was about 10:45 when I heard the door open.

'YUNA!' He screamed at the top of his lungs, making me laugh

'You called?' I joke, running over to him

His face lit up like a Christmas tree.
'Oh my God, Yuna! God, I've missed you!'
He squeezed me so hard that I genuinely couldn't breathe for a good 30 seconds. Not that I care. I hugged him back just as tightly.

'I've missed you, too. So damn much.' I feel like crying. But this time, from happiness. I had to go a month without him. I never thought it could be so hard.

'I'm sorry, I'm all sweaty. I ran home to see you. I almost ran over some old lady.' He says, still not letting go

'I don't care if you're sweaty. Don't you dare let go of me.' I tell him, clutching his hoodie

'I won't let go. But I will do this.' He cups my face with his other arm firmly around my waist, pressing his lips on mine.
I don't know if it's the month away from him, but his lips taste like the sweetest candy. He kissed me like he would never have a chance to do so again. His hand was clutching my shirt so hard that I thought he might break his fingers.

I put my hands behind his neck, running one hand through the hair at the nape of his neck. I pressed myself against him as much as I could, kissing him back just as desperately.

'I'm sorry. For everything. For not calling. For not being able to see you. I'm so sorry.' He starts apologizing once we pull away to catch our breath

'It's okay. It's okay. I don't care.' I keep repeating, caressing his face

'It's not okay. I hate that I did that to you.' His voice is almost breaking

'Shhh. It will be okay. I love you. I love you...' I keep repeating it again

'I love you, too. So much.' He whispers, cupping my lips with his once more

'In going to shower and I'll come back. You better not disappear on me.' It's been so long since I've seen him smile in person. He melted me so easily.

'As if I'd want to go anywhere.' I giggle

He grabs the bag he dropped on the ground and heads to the bathroom but pauses suddenly.
He starts looking around, looking confused.

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