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'Did you guys get in?' Taehyung asks as we're all sitting in the cafeteria

'We sure did.' I grin

'Look at you. Together to college.' Suri claps excitedly

'Well, kind of.' I chuckle

'I'm going to Busan.' Jimin says quietly

'And you-'

'I'm staying here.' I smile, cutting Yoongi's question. We both felt the group looking at each other uncomfortably. They didn't know how to process it.

'Okay, we are not dying. We are just going to different schools.' I chuckle

'We're only a few hours away. We'll just go back and front.' Jimin smiles, putting his hand around my shoulder

'If anyone can make it work, it's you two.' Kookie grins, supporting us. It seemed to have relaxed the rest of them as well, at they started agreeing one by one.

'To get to a more light-hearted theme, are you guys ready for next month?' Namjoon changes the subject.
We're seniors. It's the prom party next month. It's not quite the prom like they have in America, but it's a prom. It's mostly like a fancy dinner, with some dancing afterward. Nothing spicy, though.

'I already found what I'll be wearing.' Suri says

'Same.' Jin and Taehyung add

'Who are you guys going with?' Yoongi asks everyone

'I have no idea. Haven't decided yet.' I joke

'Same. Yuna, your reckom Amina would accept if I asked her?' He jokes, making me laugh

'You both have issues.' Hobi shakes his head at me and Jimin, who are laughing

'I'm taking this one here.' Suri hangs on Jungkook's arm. He gave her the most beautiful smile, kissing her on the forehead. As I said, adorable.

'I'm going with Sei-Wa.' Yoongi announces

'Oh, are you now?' Hobi teases him

'I don't care about a date. I'm there to eat.' Jin says

'Did she say no?' Namjoon asks Jin. He was going to ask Semi, the canteen girl. They've gone out a few times but didn't do anything past that.

'I bet he didn't even ask.' Jimin chuckles

'I don't know how, okay?' He sighs heavily

'Do you want us to help?' I ask

'No. I gotta do this myself.' For someone who's extremely introverted, he is braver than most.


I looked in the mirror one last time before getting out. It's our prom tonight.

I found a gorgeous dark red dress. It's more of a burgundy color. The sleeves are thin and are falling down under my shoulders, with them being a bit ruffled with black lace. The dress falls down wider from my waist down and had black almost sparkly mesh over the entirety of it. I paired it with black high heels. My hair is currently blonde, almost silver, and curly, so I let it fall down my back, slicking one part behind my ear. I did my makeup accordingly. A bit of red shadow and eyeliner, adding some lashes. My lipstick matches the color of my dress. I'm going full out tonight.

I am so excited for Jimin to see me like this. I can't wait to see him either. We wanted to keep it a surprise as to what we'll be wearing.

You or no one |BTS JIMIN FF|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora