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'Should we go somewhere, before the rest of these hyenas jump on you?' I tease him

He looked around for a moment and quickly agreed. 'Yes, please. I'll sit in the closet. I don't care.' He shudders

'I know a place. Just don't get lost.' I smile at him

'Got it.' He nods, sliding his hand into mine. That was a bit of a shock. I didn't expect that. I mean, it makes sense if he wants to stay close, but he never held my hand before so it was surprising. He didn't seem to think much of it, so I just pretended it's all normal, and intertwined our fingers as I pulled him along.

I usually end up hiding in Namjoon's room when they have a party. Namjoon knows about it and he never complained.

'Oh, this is much better.' Jimin breathes in relief once we walked into the dark, quiet room.

I laugh at him a little, 'You really hate these things, do you?' I ask

'Not particullarly. I just don't like the crazy girls jumping out left and right.' He says

'Oh, no. All the girls want me. How will I survive this?' I sit down on Namjoon's bed, putting my hand on my forehead dramatically, making Jimin laugh

'It's always the crazy ones, though. It's like I attract only that type.'

'And what type are you looking for?' I ask

'Someone normal, preferably.' He chuckles

'Good luck with that. All the girls are a bit crazy.' I mean, we are, a little.

'Then I'll die alone.' He jokes, sitting down on the bed next to me. He leaned back to the wall. putting a pillow under his head, sighing heavily

'Oi, don't fall asleep.' I warn him

He chuckles. 'I won't. I promise.'

'Can I ask you a question? You don't need to answer if you don't want to.' I ask

'Yeah, go for it.' He says

'Yoongi said you never had a girlfriend. How come? I mean, you don't look like you couldn't have one.' I am just curious

'Caught up on that one, huh?' He chuckles. 'I don't know. I never wanted one. I didn't care much. I've got more important things in my life. What about you?' He asks

'Fair enough. I don't know what to call it, but I had...something... for like 5 days back when I was 16. I never even held the guy's hand.' I laugh at myself

'And you're telling me?' He asks, laughing along

'Seems we're in the same boat.' I laugh softly

'Seems like it.'

We ended up just sitting in the dark in silence. It was weirdly comfortable. I guess we are more alike than we thought. 15 minutes must have passed, before either one of us spoke.

'You look great, by the way. Just in case I forgot to tell you before.' He says, speaking quietly. Good thing he can't see me in the dark because I'm pretty sure I'm tomato red right now

'T-Thank you. I was thinking the same thing when you walked in. No wonder the girls are running around you.' I try to joke a little

He laughs soflty, 'My only goal in life.' He jokes

We ended up in silence again for a while, before I pulled out my phone. 
'Wanna watch season 4?' I ask, not knowing what to do next

'You don't even need to ask.' I see him smile brightly now that the phone light is lighting up quite a bit
We shuffled back on the bed, leaning on the wall. I pulled my knees up, leaning the phone on it so it's easier to hold. Not like anyone can see under my skirt in the dark.

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