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Everyone gathered by now. Even Taehyung escaped the captivity and joined us. We made a little sanctuary in the kitchen, leaning and sitting on the counters. Food and drinks are right here, so we don't need to move much.

'So, you're starting work right out of school?' Hobi asks Jimin.

'Yeah. I'm not starting for another month. But yes, I got a contract about a month ago.' He smiles

'So what are you going to be doing?' Yoongi asks

'Well, my priority task will be dancing for whoever they send me to. But, apart from that, I'll be in charge of the groups that are learning as well. I'm supposed to teach them and choreograph for them as well.' He explains

'Hip-hop?' Kookie asks

'Yes, but also contemporary and ballet. I did major in that after all.' He chuckles

'Sorry, Mister I Can Do It All.' Kookie teases, grinning, making everyone chuckle a bit

'Aish. I wish I could do everything.' Jimin sighs. Somehow it seemed like he didn't mean dancing specifically. Maybe I'm just reading him wrong.
'But what about the rest of you? What are the plans?' He asks

'I'm gonna go and find myself a managing job at a museum.' Namjoon says

'I'm gonna do a few auditions and see how it goes.' Jin majored in drama. He would be a handsome actor. I'm sure he'll get a ton of fans

'I'm loving my life. Academy is teaming with people.' Hobi has gained a lot of success with his plan. I love that for him. He deserves it.

'I'm currently working on producing an album for a demo. I want to get a job at a good company.' Yoongi does love his music

'And I'm still arguing with people. One day I'll argue with them, and get paid for it.' Suri says all proud

'And I'm sure you'll win.' Kookie teases her

'And you?' Jimin asks me, looking at me. I haven't spoken this entire time. I was just listening. But him talking to me caused a reaction from all of them. They all looked at him, then at me. You would think God knows what will happen.

'I got an offer from a company that creates and edits mangas and comics. They saw my work from a year ago and want me to join them. So, I'll be doing that.' I smile at him

'A year ago? You already did something?' He asks, sounding surprised. He didn't know.

'Yeah. It's a manga I've been drawing in the past. You saw parts of it.'

'Is it the one you showed me back when you first got into uni?' Yeah. The one where I turned him into a character.

'Yeah. That's the one.' I nod

'Shit. And I didn't even get the first edition. U suck.' He teases

'I didn't create a special signature yet.' I remind him of his own joke, and he chuckles

I did actually save the first copy. And I do have it signed. I don't even know why I did that. Maybe because of a promise I made. Maybe because I hoped. But I did it nevertheless. I have it on my shelf. I didn't even open it since I put it there.

'What about the ones we got, then?' Jin complains

'You got the first prints. Signed. And stop complaining. We both know you didn't even open it.' I tell him off, making him laugh

'I read it.' Kookie says all proud

'I wanna read it.' Jimin says. I was a bit surprised, not sure how to react. Thank God I've got an amazing brother.

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