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Me and mom were in the kitchen talking about what to do about Yuna when we heard her come out of her room.

She looked like she's been beaten to near death. Her dark circles under her eyes tell me she didn't sleep, but I already knew that much. I sat by her door almost every night listening to her cry, more like scream. I've never heard that before. It made my heart break.

Jimin hyung sent me more than a few messages asking me to take care of her. I still have no clue what happened, and I don't want to ask.

'Oh, my baby.' My mom looked like she was going to cry, running to Yuna

'I'm okay, mom. Don't worry too much.' She smiled at my mom, pretending she's okay. She's scary good at it

'It's okay to hurt. You've been closed up in there so long. I was so scared.' My mom was scared shitless. We both thought something happened.

'It's only 3 days, mom. I closed myself up longer for anime.' She jokes, but neither one of us took it as a joke.

'Yuna, do you know what day it is?' I ask

'Tuesday?' She said it like a question

'Did you even look at the date?' She looked so confused. Oh my God. She has no idea.

'Yeah, it's... 12th..' it finally got to her that she's been in there for 10 days. I saw her trying to grab onto the kitchen counter as she got really dizzy.

'Oh, Yuna, Jesus!' I caught her just before she almost hit her head on the ground, missing grabbing onto the counter

My mom was petrified
'Mom, call the ambulance.' I tell her, laying Yuna down.

Of course, she would faint. She didn't put a bit of food or water in her body for days. She is skinny as it is. I'm surprised she is still functioning at all.

At least the ambulance came fast and took her away.
They left us in front of the room they took her in. They were in there for an hour before they came out.

'Misses and Mister Jeon, she will be just fine.' The doctor tells us with a smile on his face
Both of us breathed out in relief.

The doctor then continued explaining.
'She is incredibly dehydrated and malnourished. We put her on the drip, and we will keep her here until tomorrow. Just until she is back at her strength. She is asleep, but you can go see her. Looks like she was sleep deprived.' He nods at us and walks away

Mom and I walked inside to see her laying in the bed with the cable going into her veins on both arms. Yuna, you dumb idiot.

I know she didn't do it on purpose. She probably didn't have any appetite. I mean, she had no idea what day it was. I can't tell Jimin this. Any of them, for that matter.

My mom sat down on the chair next to her, gently taking Yuna's hand.

'Mom, she will be okay. It's just a bit of food she needs. We'll overfeed her like a pig when she's home.' I joke

'Deal. You hold her, I'll shove food in her mouth.' She chuckles a bit
'And remind me to never let Jimin in our house again.'

'Mom, it's not his fault. We don't know what happened. You have known Jimin for years now. You know he's a good one.' She is going a bit too far

'I know.' She sighs. 'I'm just angry she did this to herself.'

'You know she will be okay. She's strong.' I pat my mom on her shoulder

'I know. That's why this scared me so much. I never saw her like this.'

I don't even have anything to tell her. I thought the same. I'll make sure to tell her off once she wakes up.

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