01: Traveler

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Your POV

Year 2109

"A girl, 13 years old, cut herself and died in her bathtub after an overdose of pills and medicine she found in the bathroom cabinet, mother found her too late."

My co-worker and team leader, Ko Dohyun, lists up.

"Why?" I ask dryly, looking at the transparent screen trying to read what it says but it's hard as the technology still hasn't found a way to invert the screen so the person on the other side would understand—or at least not cared to fix it.

Dohyun's eyes find mine and he raises his left eyebrow before leaning back in his chair.

"What?" I huff, standing up straight.

"Why do you sound so unbothered? It's almost been a year since your last mission."

"I'm not unbothered... I just won't feel pity towards a girl who committed suicide ages ago. Especially because when I'm back, she would never have done it anyway." I shrug.

"But you are a traveler, you can't—"

"Yeah, I am. I've done this multiple times before, and you know I can do it." I cross my arms, quite offended that my team leader seems to doubt me. I'm experienced, not a newbie.

"I do, but this job—"

"Is not like other jobs. Other jobs don't travel in time to prevent people from killing themselves. Some still works as veterinarians. I know Dohyun." I finish his sentence. It's always the same thing he tells me and the other travelers on our team. I know every word by heart by now.

I have worked at TravelTen for 5 years now, since I was 20. I became a traveler only approximately 1 year after I was hired, which I'm always told is very impressive, but I don't really think of it that highly.

My job as an employee is to keep track on documents. I organize them and find the needed information that is necessary for the certain client to be saved.

My job as a traveler is to travel back in time and prevent people from committing suicide.


Researchers have found that through time, the suicide rate is not only getting higher but also reducing the expanding of the world population. In the late 2080's the suicide rate was higher than ever and scientists called it a dangerous exponential wave that would destroy humanity.

Maybe they overreacted a bit, I'm no-one to tell, but in the early 2100's new technology was finally ready to be used for new purposes.

A certain man, Lee Kangdae, that is now my boss and CEO of TravelTen, established the company TravelTen with the motto of a better and happier world and with their employees gaining the title of being a time healer. The company would strive to find unreasoned suicides from the past, travel back in time and save victims from themselves. That way, the government wouldn't have to worry about the avoidable decreased world population.

In my years at TravelTen I have saved 6 people as a traveler and covered more than thousands of suicide documents that other travelers would need for their missions. 6 people within a bit more than 3 years of being a traveler is pretty good considering my short training.

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