09: First born

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"Anything else I can help with?" Seokjin makes sure, eyes wide and ears perked.

I look away from his gaze for a second, thinking about the question. Seokjin stands in the same exact position, with a notebook in his one hand and a pen in the other.

Yes, there is one thing...

"No that's it." I smile at him.

He picks up the menu card on my table and bows shortly before leaving me at my table.

It feels weird seeing him up close in real life and not on the internet. It wonders me for a while why he's working in a restaurant. A former world wide global star, now working in a small restaurant in Seoul. There's not even that many people here, I note as I look around the place.

My eyes stop at the handsome water and stay there, following Seokjin as walks out a door and disappears into what I think is the kitchen.

After his appearance vanishes from my sight, I let out a sigh that I didn't realize I've been holding. I didn't even notice how the room had narrowed around me as Seokjin stood in front of me, taking my order as if I am just a normal costumer—but of course, he didn't know otherwise.

I am very hungry, given that I haven't eaten much the whole day. I waited anxiously to eat at the restaurant Seokjin works at. That way I could fall into a natural conversation with him perhaps.

It's late noon, but I already stopped by here earlier today. It was around noon then, but Seokjin hadn't shown up yet. I decided to give it another try later in the day which is now and luckily he's here so I don't have to waste more working time on just waiting around like a helpless person.

After a short moment of me spacing out, the food arrive.

That was quick, I only get to think when I look up and recognize that the waiter is not Seokjin this time. A young girl places the food in front of me instead. I smile at her, despite the major disappointment that rushes through my chest.

Where is he?

I repeat the question over and over in my head while I look around the restaurant, searching for the tall brunette. As I don't spot him, but I haven't seen him leave either, I conclude that he must be on a break and I start eating.

The food is delicious and I can't help but hum a bit at the yummy taste growing in my mouth. I catch an eye contact with the girl who served it to me and smile at her, assuring her that the food is very tasty.

As I do so, I notice the tall figure I'd lost sight of walk by me.

It's Seokjin, but he's not wearing his apron anymore. He's wearing everyday clothes.

Is he off work already?  I think and look down at my plate that is still full of food. I only had a poor few bites...

I look over at Seokjin again, almost panicking as he exits the restaurant.

"Can I pay?" I call and hold my hand up. I don't like seeming rude to people who are working, but I'm in a rush. And from what I've seen Jungkook do, it's acceptable here to just call for the waiter.

The girl approaches me and I pay quickly, leaving my dish unfinished. A slight guilt fills me, because I don't like wasting food and I was still so hungry, but I cannot lose Seokjin.

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang