06: His home

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It's late. The sun is setting, painting the sky a beautiful pinkish color. I have decided to walk by Jungkook's house before getting back to my hotel.

Namjoon's apartment complex is pretty close to Jungkook's house. I don't see why I wouldn't walk past, after all I have to keep an eye on my client.

I walk down his street with slow steps. Even though I haven't walked far, it feels as if my legs are almost giving up on me. The hotel I'm staying at is a good distance away from where I am and just thinking about walking there makes me want to give up. I need to catch a taxi or something.

Whilst I walk along the street, I suddenly see Jungkook walking from the opposite direction and towards me. He's far and looking down at the path in front of him. He hasn't seen me yet, so I take the take advantage of my luck and jump behind the nearest car, hiding. I don't need him to see me.

It surprises me to see him outside. What would he have to do if he really was that lonely? Did he visit Jimin again or did he meet up with someone else?

As he comes a bit closer, I notice the sides of his lips curved up. I squint my eyes, trying to figure if I'm seeing things or if it's actually a smile.

Jungkook is smiling. He looks happy.

But why?

I don't even get to make up assumptions about what has made him happy as I walk around the car and towards the side walk again. I grab my phone, pretending to be swallowed by the media while walking in a fast pace along the sidewalk, hoping to bump into Jungkook before he would reach the gates of his home.

I hear footsteps come closer and decide to accidentally crash into him. That would seem normal, wouldn't it? I've been taught that a lot of people in the 20s are too engrossed in their phones to look where they're walking.

I sway a bit in my walk, waiting for our bodies to crash but halt as I hear my name being called.

I look up and see Jungkook looking at me. There's a good distance between us. My plan failed, but succeeded nonetheless as I got his attention.

"Look where you're walking, you could get hurt." Jungkook says with a frown on his face.

I may have overreacted my motions a bit too much.

"Right, sorry." I shoot him a close-mouthed smile.

"What are you doing here at this hour? Do you live nearby?" He takes a few steps closer, creating a more normal distance between us as we talk.

"Not really... I..." I pull on the letter, trying to come up with an excuse for being here, "I visited a friend nearby."

I didn't lie this time, because I visited Namjoon. However he's not my friend, but Jungkook's.

Jungkook hums and nods and we both fall into a silence.

I don't know what to say to him. It's weird because I always know what to say to my client, but normally I am in control of things. Normally I don't bump into my client unprepared and having a normal conversation as if I'm a regular person. Because normally I know exactly what to do to help them.

A gentle breeze blows past us and the wind makes a shiver travel through my body due to the coldness. I put my hands in my pockets, trying to keep them warm.

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