04: Hospital

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I walk trough the streets of Seoul, headed somewhere. It's not too far nor too close so I'm wondering whether I should just walk or find a taxi. Taxis here are more complicated than the ones I'm used to, so it's a hard choice.

This morning I went straight to buy an iPhone as I woke up. I got help from a polite tech guy to set it up so it was ready to use. The first thing I did was to create a new contact with Jungkook's number, before I would loose the paper I had written it down on somewhere. It already washed off my arm as I took a shower yesterday night.

I've sent him a simple text, saying it's me. He hasn't replied yet, but I hadn't really expected it either. If Jungkook really is depressed and lonely, he's probably still in bed as the clock still hasn't struck noon yet.

I got up early however and have been up since 6 am. This is my work after all, I can't just sleep in, even though the bed in my hotel room is surprisingly comfortable.

After I bought my phone I went back to my hotel room and started googling. I hate Google, it's much more complicated than what it needs to be, at least to me.

I started by looking up Jungkook's full name, hoping to find something about him, but I did totally not expect what I found.

Apparently Jungkook is a former idol and he was in one of the biggest kpop bands in the world. It wonders me why I have never heard of him as the group apparently took the world by storm, but kpop isn't a thing in 2109 anymore and maybe that's why. There's no such thing as dividing music into genres because of languages. I have never been taught about kpop either, just briefly told that it's how Korean music was spoken of in the early 2000s and before that too.

I think it's weird, but also quite cute—nothing like what we have in 2109.

The group Jungkook was a member of was called BTS. Jungkook was the youngest and the main vocalist of the band. To think that my client was the main vocalist of the biggest kpop band in the world, makes me want to hear him sing...

But I have to keep it professional.

I looked up the other members shortly, trying to memorize the most important things.

Apparently the members of BTS were very close. They were not only band members, but friends. They were friends outside of work and behind the scene. I had come across some videos of them and I got stuck there for almost an hour watching videos of their friendships. They seemed to love each other much, and Jungkook was smiling in every clip. It makes me happy to see my client smile and that's what really got me hooked on watching the videos.

Maybe these guys can help me helping Jungkook.

I stopped myself from wasting more time on the outdated streaming service YouTube, which where I come from is still named the same, but totally different than this.

BTS split up two years ago, in 2025.

It was the first headlines I saw as I googled BTS and it also makes me think that maybe that is a part of the reason for Jungkook's depression—but what about his loneliness? How is he lonely if he has such good friends?

Continuing my research, I found the answer myself. Apparently after they disbanded, everyone went their separate ways. Many headlines covered how 'BTS not only disbanded, but also stopped seeing each other as friends'.

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