19: A failed success

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The vibrations of my phone traveling through my body wakes me from my thoughts. I raise my hand, swiping up on the palm and glance at the contact calling for only a short moment before declining immediately when I see my team leader's name.

Another tear trickles down my cheek as I squint my eyes together tight.

The past hour went by in a flash. It passed way too quickly.

One moment I was laying on the grass with Jungkook, the next my watch started beeping and I had to go.

It pained me to leave so suddenly, and that was why I should've left before—that way we could've gotten a peaceful goodbye. But now it was totally rushed.

I had gotten up from the ground, saying I had to leave. Jungkook got up too, asking me why I had to go already. I couldn't keep in the tears anymore and I started crying in front of him. There was a distance between us, one that I wish would be closed but there was nothing I could do about it.

I told him I was sorry and needed to go. I took a few steps backwards to leave, but I couldn't turn around just yet. And my heart clenched when Jungkook took a step towards me as I tried pulling away. He wanted to follow me and it broke me to see that it was not only me who'd gotten attached... he had too.

I told him to stop and not to get closer. I almost yelled the words, wanting him to understand but I never meant for it to sound rude. It shattered my heart as I saw a tear fall from his cheek as well.

He asked me why. My tears were streaming, I couldn't answer him. He wanted to hug me and I wanted him to squeeze me tight. But I put up my hand between us. Time was running out. I had 5 minutes left to leave.

Jungkook stood still in his spot. One tear turned to several. All I wanted was to wipe them away, ease the wrinkle between his brows and erase his worries.

He stood silent. He stared at me. His eyes were telling me more than words ever could.

But I turned around and left.

And I've never hated myself more.

I just reached a dark alley, hiding behind a trash can as I had one minute left in 2027.

And before I even got to think about how much I would hate it being home again, I was in my room...

Every single traveler of TravelTen has a travel point. That is where the traveler watch will send you back to after your mission is complete. I've chosen my room, like most other people.

But at the moment I saw my bed again and the minimalistic, boring, black and white bedroom, I broke down in even more tears.

I scrunched up in my bed, hugging my pillow tight and just letting all the emotion overwhelm me. I've never felt anything like this after returning from a mission. And I've never regretted actually completing it.

My heart keeps telling me I shouldn't have completed it. I shouldn't have brought Hoseok with me to convince Yoongi. I shouldn't have approached Jimin and had a deep conversation with him. I should've contacted each member, telling them to forget I ever even reached out to them.

I hate that I'm a traveler and still the power is not in my hands to go back in time and rewrite my actions.

The chip in my hand keeps vibrating, the same contact ringing again and again. I shortly wonder why. Travelers are allowed to have the day off after coming back, no matter what time of the day it is. It's currently night time and I wonder why Dohyun is even up. Maybe he's on a night shift. However I quickly refrain from thinking more of it. I turn off the chip.

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