14: Ponytail

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It's later in the day and I still haven't come down from my high after Yoongi caved in and agreed to reunite with the group. I felt so relieved because really it felt like a lost battle before Hoseok helped me. He was a great support and I think I would've fucked it all up if he wasn't there considering how I almost stormed away.

But my past anger and worry doesn't matter now as I'm elated and happy that I finally convinced the 4th member.

As we were done talking, I left Hoseok behind with Yoongi. I think they have a lot to catch up on and I feel so ecstatic to even think that they hung out after I left and that I brought them back together.

Jungkook called me to ask if I wanted to eat dinner with him. I couldn't bring myself to say no as I seem to have a lot of trouble with saying no when it comes to Jungkook, so I accepted the invite and that's why I didn't stay with Yoongi and Hoseok.

Jungkook and I had been eating out at some Korean bbq restaurant. After that, Jungkook wanted to me to spend the evening with him. He reasoned that he didn't want me to go back to a quiet and empty hotel room and be all by myself for the rest of the evening.

Now, we are watching a movie in the living room of Jungkook's house. Jungkook is on the floor, leaning against the couch and fully invested in the movie. I however am sitting on the couch right behind him and I have no interest in the movie.

First of all, the movie is really badly made. The angles are annoying and the quality of the video is awful—maybe it's because I'm used to 32K resolution and not whatever this is.

Secondly, the plot is tame and it doesn't take long for me to get bored as the movie slowly—very slowly—progresses.

I still am in a very good mood after my success with Yoongi earlier today and after the dinner with Jungkook that has only seemed to bring me to an even better mood.

Apropos my good mood, it doesn't fit with the boring movie rolling on the TV in front of me at all. It's like I can't sit still. I don't know if I'm restless or energetic, but I just can't sit and do nothing but stare at a screen with way too poor screen resolution.

I scoot to the edge of the couch, where Jungkook is sitting in front of me. I'm sitting in tailor's position and if he leans his head back now, it'll fall into my lap.

I start fiddling with his hair hesitantly, waiting to see his reaction. I just have to fiddle with something if I am not going to die out of boredom, continuing this movie. As Jungkook doesn't budge, I continue and start playing with it more freely and carelessly.

I find it quite fascinating because I've never really touched a guy's hair before... it's really messy and tangled, much like my own most of the time. But despite the tangled hair, it's also quite soft which surprises me.

As I play with his locks, I observe how long hair he has. It's a much general feature my clients seem to have. Long and messy hair, because they don't care to cut it or even tend it.

"Your hair is quite long." I mutter, mostly to myself.

Jungkook hums as a response. I'm not really sure if he heard what I said or if he's more invested in the movie.

My eyes land on the hairband on my wrist and an idea comes to mind.

"Wait, can I try something?" I ask with an excitement that makes my voice rise at the end of the sentence.

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now