13: Egocentric or just scared?

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"Do you think this is a good idea?" I ask yet another question, my fingers fiddling with my earrings because they have to be doing something.

It's obvious how hesitant I am about this idea. I keep asking questions, fumbling with my hands and wanting us to stop and walk back. My face must be easy to decipher as I find it hard to hide my anxiousness about bringing Hoseok with me.

"I don't know, it's your idea." Hoseok speaks, nudging my shoulder. He's so friendly even though we barely know each other.

"You're not helping!" I hiss, gulping as we reach the alley.

"It's here, right?" Hoseok mutters and I nod. We both stand still, looking down the alley for a while, "It's been long since I was here last." He mumbles.

"You've been here before?" I question, but it's a dumb question. Of course he has, it was him who sent me the address in the first place.

"Yeah." Hoseok mutters again and now I see a bit of hesitance on his face as well.

I've brought Hoseok with me to convince Yoongi.

I'm not sure if it's a good choice, but I thought that since Hoseok is such a bright guy and he seems to get along with everyone, he'd be great to bring along. He's a really nice guy too and it seems like he's as enthusiastic on the idea of bringing his friends back together as I am.

I gulp before I take the first step down the alley and towards the studio, Hoseok following behind me.

"Do you even know if he's here right now?" Hoseok questions.

I'm not sure, but it's about the same time that he arrived yesterday when I waited for him. 25 hours ago he came to this place and since it's still a weekday, I thought that it might be a habit of his to come here after work.

I don't answer Hoseok at first. We get closer to the studio and I see light escaping through the drapes of the studio. I turn around, facing Hoseok, "I'm sure he is." I say proudly and Hoseok lets out a chuckle as he's also noticed the light coming from the studio.

"What is that by the way?"

I look up and notice Hoseok's eyes on my wrist.

"Oh this?" I say and touch my traveler watch.

"Yeah, it looks kind of high tech." Hoseok chuckles. He reached out to touch it, probably fascinated by the look of it. But I shove my arm away.

"It's nothing. It just... counts my steps." I explain.

"Looks a bit more advanced than that." Hoseok is till glaring at my wrist which I now put behind my back.

"I got it from a friend." I try to explain, "I'm not sure of all its features yet."

Hoseok looks at me and then nods. "I want one."

I laugh at that shortly.

I reach the studio's door and I walk down the few steps to stand in front of it. I look back and notice how Hoseok has stopped following me and is standing still, starring a the windows.

You can't see much through the drapes, but maybe Hoseok can see a figure, one that is his old friend, Min Yoongi.

I sigh silently, "Hoseok... you don't have to go in with me if you don't want to." I say and Hoseok's eyes switch to mine as a gentle closemouthed smile embraces his face.

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now