03: Lonely

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It's late afternoon. The sun is already lowering in the sky and I still know nothing about my client other than his name, age and occupation... oh, and he's depressed!

I haven't slept much and very uncomfortably on top of that. I have been up since early morning, walking around Seoul, staying some places and hoping to bump into Jungkook somehow in some mysterious and coincidental way.

I am so gonna break Dohyun's neck when I get back from this mission.

If only he had given me the right instructions I would know where to go now. I would know if I have to go to the nearest bridge to find my client standing on the edge or if it isn't as rushed of a mission and I simply have to go to my client's home.

But I know nothing. Absolutely nothing. Well, apart from what I know.

The only thing I have figured out is that I am in Seoul and that this coffee shop called Starbucks is amazing!

The only useful thing I have with me is a credit card. Luckily this time period doesn't use cash only, I'm not very experienced in using cash. Travelers always get money that fit the time period they're going to. Most of the time the budget is unlimited, but only to be used for necessary things, such as food and coffee.

I love coffee.

I have been walking around all day. My eyes have stayed on people for a few seconds longer than they normally would... but it is impossible.

How am I going to find one single guy in the middle of Seoul where hundreds of thousands of people walk the streets daily and apparently a lot of bicycles too.

I want to try one, but as if this mission isn't going to take long enough by itself. I need the money so I have to complete this fast. However, no matter how fast I finish this mission, I will fight to get payed more than the time I will have spent, because it is not fair. I didn't put myself in this situation, Dohyun did.

I glance at my watch, the clock striking 5 pm.

I lean against a wall. Normally I would not do that as the wall probably is full of 2027 bacterias, but my body is so exhausted from walking all day and not having a proper place to relax.

I sigh as I feel lost. I don't know how to find him. I've been looking all day and really if the boy was depressed, the chance of finding him on the streets of Seoul is way lower than it normally would be.

He's probably at home, doing nothing, being bored, being sad or maybe he's standing on the edge of a bridge and about to—

My thoughts are interrupted as I notice a guy about the same height as Jungkook was, wearing fully black and his hair was a dark brown too. There are many guys with dark brown hair in Seoul, but I don't reckon many of them have a seven tattooed behind their ear.

As if the sun heard my discouraged thoughts and saw my depressed presence, it let a ray of sunshine fall down and land on Jungkook who walked right past me.

I immediately move from the wall and start following him. He's walking fast, his face directed against the street and a plastic bag in his hand. At first I thought he went grocery shopping, but it looks empty as it sways with his movements and when the wind blows on it.

I ponder on how to approach him to not make it weird, and I don't have to for long as a thing comes to mind quickly.

I look around, trying to find some trash on the ground, but there's nothing. It wonders me as I thought it would be easy to find trash laying on the street in a capital city in 2027. I quickly lose the thought however as I search my pockets and find some wrapping from a sandwich I ate earlier.

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