08: City guide

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"So why are we here?" I ask Jungkook. It's a genuine question, for once I'm not being sarcastic, just puzzled.

Jungkook texted me yesterday to ask me if I was free to go do something today. I don't exactly know what I had expected, but I know that I did not expect for it to be a walk down Han River.

Jungkook has brought his camera and it seems as is if he relishes in photography as we walk down the river and he captures lots of pictures, both of the water, the people walking by and simple things as nature.

The wind is strong today, stronger than usual, and Jungkook complains often as he accuses it of ruining his pictures.

I can see what he is doing here, but why am I here?

Why did he bring me?

"I don't know," Jungkook shrugs and looks down at me with a questionable face, "Getting some fresh air?" He sounds hesitant, as if he's questioning too why we are here.

I raise my brows at him.

I'm maybe not entitled to say this as I don't know him that well, but as an expert in suicide cases, people experiencing depression, heartbreaks, loneliness and other lows in life, I know that this is unusual.

I've never had a client that would willingly go for a walk in the nature, enjoying life when I didn't even help them yet.

I am in the process of my mission and it is progressing slowly. I already have two members down. But Jungkook doesn't know any of that.

Maybe it's because this is an early case as I figured before—that the suicide attempt is in the future but has to be prevented now, but... it still is strange to me that Jungkook felt the energy to go out today and to ask me to join him.

"And taking pictures it seems." I note, looking at the camera that's hanging in a strap around his shoulder.

Jungkook looks down at his camera too and looks at me with a straight face. But there's a tiny bit of disappointed written in his eyes as well, and it makes me swallow a piteous lump.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to come." He once again apologizing for something he doesn't owe an apology for.

"Jungkook... I didn't mean it like that." I search his eyes, but they go back to being expressionless. The disappointment is gone, as if he's able to just shove his feelings away in the blink of an eye—or rather choosing to stash them somewhere far enough away for others to see.

It's not like he seemed happy earlier, but a faint smile would appear on his face when he found a thing to take a picture of and he plainly seemed in a better mood than he is now.

"I thought since you're new here, you would like to see a bit of the city." He mumbles, looking away from me.

"Sorry, what?" I ask, walking to the other side of him so I could find his eyes again.

"You said you were knew here. I thought this could be a way of showing you around." He shrugs looking into my eyes with his ever expressionless face and now a pouted lower lip.

I stop walking and Jungkook stops too, a bit in front of me. I look at him with a puzzled expression. I don't know if I should smile or if I should be worried. He wanted to show me around the city?

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