Chapter 6: Life After You Left

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Stefan's POV
I wake up from the sunlight shining in my eyes. I get up and groan, then I widen my eyes as I remember what happened yesterday. Date- with Freya- girlfriend- Jay's missing- Gabby found me- need to find Jay.

I vamp speed out of bed and get in the shower, then get dressed. I head downstairs and see Gabby watching TV. I see her look at me, smiling and saying "Morning sleepy head." She turns off the TV and says "I think we have a friend of yours to go find." I say "Yeah, we do. Come on." I run out the door with her following behind me.

I go to Freya's house. I knock three times on the door. She comes and opens the door, looking beautiful as always and looking like she's ready to go. I also see Gabriella's friends there, also ready to go.

Tiffani says "Okay, let's go." We all go to our different vehicles. One is a red jeep, with Troy, Annie, Travis, and Savannah in it. The blue car has Trey, Tiffani, Tracy, and Ashley in it and the black jeep has only Dylan and Alexis in it.

Gabriella could have rode with them, but she wanted to go with me and Freya and that is absolutely okay with me. I hate the way I left them all, but it had to happen. I did miss them all very much, especially Gabby.

After I am out of my thoughts, I drive off along with the others. I ask Gabby "So, do the others know I'm here too?" She shakes her head and says "Nope! Just me. I thought about telling them, but first I wanted to see if you were where my friends found you."

I nod my head, but then I say in realization "Wait! You were looking for me? You had your friends searching for me? How long have you been doing that?" She says "The minute I called you and you didn't answer." I nod my head in understanding. I ask "Well, how was it after I left? I have to admit, I'm dying to know everything!"

Gabby answers "Well, after you left, it turned out Katherine has a daughter named Nadia-- who turned herself into a vampire just to find her. They're both doing good now. And then travelers-- practically the witches ugly stepsisters, came into town and blocked out all witches magic, including us vampires. So, if we went past the Mystic Falls sign, it is bye-bye us vamps, but then the magic all got sucked up by a witch who takes others magic. His name is Kai and he is a siphoner witch and he was the bad guy, but then he merged with his little brother-- of course he won, and when he did, he got his personalities, so he isn't as bad anymore. He's a little like Damon, but actually not as bad, so now he's our friend. See Kai came from a coven of witches known as the Gemini coven. The Gemini coven have twins become their leaders when they turn 22 and Kai had a twin sister and he wanted to become leader, but the Gemini coven wouldn't allow it because he was a psychopath. But back to the question I know you to really want to know, A merge is when two twins merge their strength. The stronger one wins, absorbing their twins power and the weaker of the two dies. Kai was planning on merging with his twin sister, but his little brother-- the one that was the twin of someone else, decided to merge with him. Kai was trapped in a prison world at 22 years old, so when he got out he was still 22 years old and Lucas was too, so he merged with Kai so, his older sister wouldn't have to."

I am shocked by everything she said and I look through the mirror and see Freya with the same shocked face. I stutter "O-oh wow! Um, o-okay." Gabby says "See? Even when you did leave trouble still came."

I look at her apologetically and say "I'm sorry. I just needed to get away from that place." Gabby asks "The place? Or Damon and Elena?" I look at her and say "Both." She looks at me then out the window, just looking anywhere but me.

I retort "Because you have to understand something, while I was drowning over the past three months, none of you bothered to look for me. And those two? They were just sleeping around, not even bothering to make sure I was okay. And when I get out, I was hoping to see them two, and you and Greg, but only to see Qetsiyah let me out, not any of you. And she did me a favor by removing my memories of all of you, but gave them back when I betrayed her for Elena. And when I finally do get them back, you all made fun plans and never even bothered to invite me with you. You just left me out in the cold. I was having a breakdown because of the hell I went through in that safe and all of you guys were just out having fun! Thank God Katherine was there to help me realize that I was just focusing on the pain of drowning repeatedly, so I wouldn't have to feel the pain of Elena leaving me for Damon. I needed to get away, not only from Mystic Falls, but them too and even just a little bit, you guys too. I wanted to start new and I did. I have a life here. A best friend who actually treats me like I'm his brother, who was there for me and helped me move on."

Gabby looks at me, feeling guilty and sorry and she says "I'm sorry Stefan. We never wanted to hurt you. We never wanted that-" I interrupt her "Well, you did! We're here. Freya, is this the address?"

Freya says "Yes. 100% positive." I say "Alright. Let's get Jason back!" We all get out of our cars. We use our vampire hearing and I hear someone. It's Jay and he's screaming "Help me! Somebody!"

I am about to go in and help him, when I am stopped by Freya. She says "Remember the plan: we sneak in and be very quiet, so whoever took him here, doesn't hear us. If it comes to it, we fight. Okay?" I nod my head and say "Okay."

We all follow the plan and go in quietly. We look around and see if the guy that took him is here, but no sign yet. We open the door and see a bunch of cages and Jason is in one of them. I run to him with Freya behind me. He has scratches and bruises all over him. He looks so weak.

I say "Jay? Jay, hey it's me. It's Stefan." I break the cage open and I bring him out and feed him my blood so he can heal. When he has had enough, I pull my arm away and he looks up at me terrified. He pulls away from me and says in fear "Silas!"

I widen my eyes in anger and shock. I look back at the others who look shocked too. I ask "Wait, Silas did this to you?" He narrows his eyes at me in confusion, then realizes it's really me. Jay stands up and asks "Stefan?" I smile at him and answer "Yes! It's me, Jay... and Freya. See?" I point at Freya and she walks up to us.

Freya says "Hey Jason!" He hugs us both and we hug him back. He says "Come on. We have to get out of here before Silas comes back." We pull away and are about to leave, but we are stopped when we see him. Silas.

Silas teases "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. Good to see you guys again. Well, just you two; Gabriella and Stefan, the rest of you, I have no idea who the hell you are. But, I do know you." He says pointing at Freya.

He states "You're the first born Mikaelson, and also happen to be Stefan's new lover." I go over to her and hold her behind me, protectively. Silas says "Relax Stefan, it's not her I'm after. I am just after one thing."

I ask, annoyed "What?" And he says evilly and rudely "You!" He uses his magic and gives us a brain aneurysm. He attacks me and I attack him back. He punches me, kicks me, and busts my lip.

I see him go after Freya and I see her move away, frightened by him. I get up, more angry than before and hit him with everything I got. I see blood spill off his lip. I punch him again only harder this time.

Silas puts his hand up and my head starts hurting again. He says "Well, Stefan, it seems you really do care for her. Even more than you ever cared for Elena." I see a metal pipe and I spat "You're damn right I do!"

I pick it up and knock him over the head with it. I go to Freya and she looks up at me and smiles and I do the same. I see Silas come over to us and he has a big machete. I see him aim it at my throat and when he is about to throw it at me, I hear Freya, Gabriella, and Jay scream while still lying on the ground in pain "NO!"

Before he could, he gets knocked out and falls to the floor by someone hitting him over the head with a wooden plank. We all look to see who it is. Me, Gabby, and her friends gasp. Oh my God, how is he here right now? Gabriella and I ask "Greg?!"

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