Chapter 23: Stay Away From My Daughter

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Nadia's POV
"Oh my God! Gregor? Get away from me!" I raised my voice at him. Gregor begs "Please Nadia. Just give me a minute." I scoff and state "Give you a minute? Absolutely not. Last time I saw you, you tried to kill my mother and you used me to do so."

Gregor responds "I know and for hurting you like that I am deeply ashamed." I feel like telling him I forgive him, but I can't do that. There is only one way he is here and that is through Silas and Dahlia.

I ask him "How are you here? You're supposed to be dead." Gregor replies "I know, but I was brought back by Silas and his partner named, Dahlia." I ask "How do I know you're not working for them?" And he answers "You don't, but I swear to you, Nadia, I'm not. The minute I saw you were involved, I left them. More likely escaped."

I try to hold back my tears, as I reluctantly reply "I'm sorry, Gregor. I need time. I don't trust you anymore." I can see he looks hurt by my response. Gregor tries "Nadia, please-" but I interrupt him by vamp speeding away.

I can't believe he's back. But it doesn't matter, I can't trust him. For all I know, Silas and Dahlia put him up to this. I can't risk endangering Freya and Stefan's family by trusting him.

When I get to the hotel, I go up to our suite and I pull out my key to it. Before I open it, I think Here we go. I know everyone will be asking me questions about where I went. I put the key in and unlock the door and walk in. I see all the attention turns to me.

Me, my mom, Mariana, dad, and the others live in this room. The one next door to us is the Mystic Falls gang. I hear Elijah ask, concerned "Where did you run off to?" Oh shoot. Should I tell them? Or should I just keep it to myself? I don't know. I think it's best I keep my mouth shut for now.

I answer while walking to the couch "I just went out for a walk to clear my head. This is all a lot to take in." I sit on the couch next to Hayley and Katherine says in a suspicious tone "Well, it was a pretty long walk." I respond "Well mom, it's been a pretty long day." She shrugs her shoulders as in saying true.

Klaus jumps in "Well, it has been that kind of day." Rebekah says in sadness and anger "Poor Freya. The wicked witch and wicked bitch took her son." I add on, sadly "I know right. I felt bad about that."

Jackson replies in determination "Well, we're going to need to help them fight eventually. I better call the pack. Tell them to get down here along with the vampires." Klaus asks "What about our home? Somebody has to watch it, you can't be too careful." Davina responds "I put a protection spell on it before we left. It will be safe."

Josh says "I can't believe we're actually going to fight." Marcel replies "Well, believe it. After the way we accused Freya and kicked her out for something she didn't even do, we owe her this much."

Cami asks "Well, where am I in this?" And Hayley answers "You don't need to fight if you don't want to Cami. You're still very new to being vampire. It's understandable if you're not ready." Cami replies in confidence "If I don't have to then I want to. I mean what's the point of being a vampire if you can't try to kick some ass." We all laugh at that, even dad.

Damon comes in and asks "What's all the laughing about?" The others come in too and I notice something different about Matt. Wait. He's a vampire? And Sarah? How? Now's not the time, I'll ask him later. I got too much on my mind right now.

We say "Nothing." I ask "What's up?" And he answers "Came to see where you ran off to." I get a little nervous and reply "I just went out for a walk. It's been a really long day." He looks at me strangely. Damn it! He knows I'm lying.

Damon calls me out "Liar. Why are you so nervous then?" Everyone looks at me and notices. I try "I'm not." He says "Yeah, right. You saw something, didn't you?" He's never going to let this go. I might as well come clean.

I sigh in defeat "Not something... someone." They all look worried and curious except Katherine and Elijah they just look worried. Dad asks "Who did you see?" Before I can say anything, a voice from behind me answers "Me!" We all look to where the voice is.

The Mystic Falls gang including me and Katherine gasp, except the originals, Sarah, Jo, Liv, Ric, Kai, and the others, who look confused. I walk towards him and spat in anger "Are you serious, Gregor? You followed me?" I stop when I'm three inches away from him. Gregor responds "I just want a chance to explain, Nadia please."

Katherine asks, standing up and coming to my side "How are you here?" And I answer "Because of Silas and Dahlia." Katherine spats in fury "You get the hell out of here and stay away from my daughter."

Elijah asks, coming to mine and mom's side "Who is this?" I answer "This is Gregor. My ex boyfriend." Everyone except the Mystic Falls gang and Katherine goes into shock. Caroline explains "He's a traveler that used Nadia to get to Katherine so he can kill her." Everyone goes into even more shock except Elijah, he just looks angry now.

Elijah walks up to Gregor and demands firmly "You leave this building right now, and stay away from my daughter." Gregor responds "Not until I talk to her, in private." Elijah states "Well, that will not happen, so you might as well leave."

Gregor yells "I WANT TO SPEAK TO NADIA FIRST!" I flinch when Elijah grabs him by his throat and slams him against the wall. He yells back "YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR MY DAUGHTER! SO, I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE NOW BY YOUR OWN FREE WILL OR I WILL THROW YOU OUT MYSELF!" I can't help but smile every time he calls me his daughter.

I walk up to them and place my hand on dad's arm in hopes of calming him. I beg "Dad, please let him go." He looks at me and softens up. He abruptly releases Gregor and grabs my arm gently to pull me away from him.

After Gregor coughs and fixes his breathing, he looks at me with pleading eyes. I state "Gregor, please leave." I see him look down, then he looks at me and says "I'm sorry, Nadia." I start to tear up, but I won't them fall. I see him walk towards the door but before he opens it and walks out, he looks at me.

When I look into his eyes, I see he is telling the truth. But for now, until this war with Silas and Dahlia is over, we need to be distant. I can't risk trusting him. Not when Stefan, Freya, and their daughter and son's lives are at stake. So, I look away and I hear the door close.

I look back and see Gregor is gone. I go to my room and close the door behind me and cry hard, but silently. Two minutes later, I hear a knock on the door and I wipe away the tears and I say "Come in."

I see Elijah walk in and he sits next to me and asks "Are you okay?" I smile at him and say "I will be." He says "I'm very sorry about-" I interrupt "Dad, it's okay. You have nothing to be sorry about. It's just Gregor. I mean after how we left things, he can't just think I'm going to trust him in 10 minutes."

Elijah nods his head in understanding and I ask "Is Mariana and Hope okay?" He nods his head and answers "They're fine." I sigh of relief "Good. I think I'm just going to go to bed now." Elijah says "Okay. Goodnight, Nadia." He kisses my forehead then leaves my room. After that, I get into my pj's and go to bed. All I'm thinking about is how long this week will be.

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