Chapter 22: You Want A Fight, You Got One!

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Stefan's POV
Oh my God, Connor? One of the five vampire hunters? He says "You fools!" I ask in fury "What are you talking about?" He gloats "She's not the one we want. This was all a set up."

Ric asks in confusion "A set up?" Freya exclaims, worried "Oh my God! Andrew!" She runs back to the house with Emma still in her arms. I punch Connor hard in the face. Kol and Damon go to him.

Kol asks "What do we do with him?" And Damon says "Yeah, we can't kill him. Remember? The hunter's curse." I say "Do what you did with Vaughn; tie him up somewhere and leave him to starve."

I run back to the house along with Gabby, Greg, Caroline, Sarah, Matt, and Freya while the others stay and leave Connor somewhere. When we get there, we run inside and gasp. Everyone is knocked out.

We hear the others run in too and they gasp as well. I go and look for Jay and yell "JAY!? JAY, WHERE ARE YOU?" Damon asks in confusion "Who's Jay?" I say "Jason!" He says with sarcasm "Oh, what a cute little nickname." I roll my eyes and keep looking for Jay while Freya tries to find Andrew.

I finally find him and Amelia unconscious like everyone else. I shake them both and say "Come on, wake up!" I check Amelia's pulse and she is fine, just out cold. Then I check Jason's pulse and I don't feel his pulse.

I start to worry and I chant in distraught "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Everyone runs in and asks "What's wrong?" I start to cry "He's dead!" I see Freya put her hand on her mouth and start crying. Gabby starts to cry too and Kol comforts her.

I walk over to Freya and kiss her forehead and hug her while crying myself. I look towards the others, I can see they feel a little bad, even Damon. Then I realize something. Oh no.

I pull away from Freya and ask her "Did you find Andy?" She cries even more and I pull her back into a hug. She's hysterical "They took him. They took our baby!" I try to hold back my tears and sobs.

I state in determination "We are going to get him back! We are!" We pull away and I say very determined "Starting tomorrow, we are going to call everyone we know and ask them for help. They want a fight, they got one!"

I see Katherine come in holding an unconscious Mariana. Same with Klaus, but he is holding Hope and she is out cold too. I ask "Greg, can you go find Isaiah please?" He nods his head and goes to find him. I go into the other room and I take Jay's body and put it on the couch.

I look towards everyone who looks as speechless as me. I see Nadia is looking around as if she hears something. I ask "Are you okay, Nadia?" Everyone looks at her attentively, especially Elijah and Katherine. She nods "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I know she's lying, but I'm going to let it pass for now.

I see Greg come in with Isaiah, who is also unconscious. Tiffani asks "What did they do to everyone?" And Freya says "I don't know, but I do know one thing, this is the work of Silas and Dahlia, all in one."

I ask "Where's Emmy?" And Freya says "I put her to bed in the extra room upstairs." I nod my head and then we hear a groan come from someone. We look and see Jasmine and Amelia wake up. Greg goes to Jasmine and I go to Amelia. I ask "Amy, are you okay? What happened?" And she starts "Well..."

Flashback~ Amelia's POV

We were all dancing while Andrew, Isaiah, Mariana, and Hope were playing tag when all the lights went out. I heard the kids scream and I yelled "Kids follow my voice. Come to me!" They do that and they found me.

After I counted all four of them, I held them all close to me. Jason said "I'll go check the fuse box. Stay here with the kids, okay?" I nod my head and he goes to fix the power.

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