Chapter 29: Bring It On!

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Stefan's POV
"MOMMY! DADDY! HELP ME!" I hear Andrew shout again. Freya and I are running to where we hear him. We're now through the forest, running to the forest fields because it's where we hear him. The others are going to stay behind until we give the signal for them to come out.

We're finally in the forest fields and we call for him "ANDY!?" Freya yells "ANDREW, HONEY?!" And I yell again "ANDY?!" I hear a feminine voice behind us taunt us "No need to shout." By the terrified look on Freya's face, I'm guessing it's Dahlia.

We turn around and see Dahlia and Silas. Silas has his usual evil smirk and Dahlia just looks pure evil. I demand while holding Freya close to me and protectively "Where's our son?" They just look at me, smiling evilly and this time I scream "WHERE IS HE!?" They laugh and Silas spats "You're not gonna get him!"

I get angry and am about to attack him, when he says "Ah, ah, ah. Wouldn't do that." He snaps his fingers and a bunch of people come out. I know they're supernatural beings and I don't know how many there are, but there is a lot and a few stand out.

The twelve witches and hybrids. Vaughn and Alexander, they are part of the five vampire hunters. Some of the tomb vampires, and-- oh my God, Christopher Fell. Him and Gabby dated back in 1862. In 1863 he was caught being a vampire, so they staked him then burned him.

His own father is the one that did it all with the help of Damon, Greg, dad, and I. We didn't want him around her. We did it to protect her. She was still mad at us. He and Gabby were in love and Gabby knew about him being a vampire.

I get out of that thought when I see Vicky! Matt's sister and Mason! Tyler's uncle, and Jules. Those are the only people I recognize, but one absolutely stands out; Jenna, Elena and Jeremy's aunt. Oh My God.

I look at Freya and she looks absolutely shocked. Her eyes are widen, her mouth is wide open, and she looks like she's out of breath. I look her way and see a boy who looks about 14 and that's when I remember. The originals had a picture of him. It's Henrik.

When everyone comes to Silas and Dahlia's side, I see Jenna, Mason, and Vicky look shocked when they see me. Dahlia sneers "You don't stand a chance against all of us." I smirk and say, smartly "Maybe not with the two of us, but maybe if there was more of us, we could." I see them narrow their eyes and frown in confusion.

I wolf whistle, signaling everyone to come out and everyone does including Jasper, Alice, Esme, Carlisle, Bella, Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett. I see Jenna look at Ric, Jeremy, and Elena in shock and vice versa. same as Ric and Elena. Their reaction is happy and surprised along with Jenna.

Mason looks at Tyler in shock and same as Tyler. Vicky looks at Matt shocked and Matt looks shocked and worried. Henrik looks at the originals shocked and a little happy, same as the originals.

Then I look at Gabby and she looks shocked. Christopher looks the same way and he smiles at her and she smiles back, slightly. I see Kol notice and he looks upset and jealous, so he takes her hand into his and she smiles at Kol genuinely. She looks back at Christopher, who now looks angry and him and Kol are staring each other down.

The wolves that turned are coming out and they're growling at Dahlia and Silas. I look at Greg and he nods his head in approval because I know once he makes one kill he will trigger his werewolf curse and I feel bad about it, but he tells me not to be.

When he does, Hayley says she can have him be apart of her pack. Link him to them so he won't have to turn every full moon like how Gabby did. I look at Dahlia and Silas, and they are shocked and worried.

I just smirk and taunt them "So tell me, for the two people who have always been two steps ahead of everything..." I pause looking at their angry face expression "Did you see this coming?" I see Silas get even more angry and he demands "EVERYONE! ATTACK!"

I see everyone on his side run after us except Jenna, Mason, Henrik, and Vicky. Freya and I start running towards them and of course everyone runs after them as well including the wolves.

We are all two feet away from one another, then finally, we're near. The first one to come at me is Jules. I grab her by the neck and snap her neck and throw her to the ground. I turn and see everyone fighting one another.

Damon knocks out Vaughn and throws him to the side. Same thing Marcel did with Alexander when he saw him attack Rebekah. I see one of the hybrids come after me and it is Adrian.

I fight him and he punches me in the stomach and pushes me to the ground. He is about to put his hand in my chest and rip out my heart. But, he falls to the ground holding his head and yelling in pain. I look and see Davina doing that to him so I vamp speed to him and rip his heart out.

I throw it on the ground and look at Davina. I mouth to her "Thank you!" And she mouths back "You're welcome." We smile at each other, and I frown when I see one of the witches running after her.

I vamp speed and pull her behind me and I snap his neck. I say to her "Go and good luck!" And she says "Same to you and thank you!" And I give her a You're welcome look.

I look through the crowd, trying to find Freya, then I look back at Jenna, Mason, Henrik, and Vicky. Dahlia yells at them "Attack, you fools!" Henrik says, angry "Yeah! come on, let's attack." They all do and they start killing the people on Dahlia and Silas' side.

I look back at Dahlia and Silas, and they look furious. I run to one of the witches that's attacking Jeremy, and I vamp speed behind them and snap their neck. I then help Jeremy up. We nod our heads at each other and go back to fighting.

I've so far killed 14 of them, and I look around and see Damon has so far killed 15, Gabby has killed 17, and Greg triggered his werewolf curse and has killed 20 of them. Uncle Tim has killed 30 of them, Aunt Dawn has killed 28, momma G has killed 27, and mom has killed 24. Gabby's friends has killed over 20 of them.

I look in the crowd and see Freya fighting with a witch but he grabs her by the throat and chokes her. I get furious and show my vampire face and vamp speed to them. I snap his neck without hesitation.

I help Freya up and we smile at each other and lock eyes. I hear someone running towards me from behind and Freya pushes me out the way and she snaps his neck with her magic. She helps me up, and we look at the others.

Caroline is being attacked by one of the twelve witches. The witch is going to kill her but Klaus vamps speed behind her and rips her heart out. He throws it on the ground and he helps Caroline up. They smile at each other and that makes us smile.

We see some people have paired up; Jenna, Elena, Jeremy, and Damon. Mason, Liv and Tyler. Vicky, Matt, and Sarah. Shontae, Erin, Brooke, and Jontae. I look over at Henrik and I see him fighting with one of the twelve hybrids.

The hybrid lifts him by his throat, and before the hybrid could do anything else to him, Elijah speeds behind him and rips out his heart. Elijah helps his little brother up and they smile at one another. They start fighting together, and seconds later Rebekah and Jacque join them.

I look over at Kol and he is fighting Christopher-- no shock there. What pulls me out of my thoughts is hearing rustling through the trees. I see a little boy come out and it's Andrew. Freya and I sigh of relief seeing him and he asks "Mommy? Daddy?"

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