Chapter 24: Tomorrow We Fight!

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Four Days Later

Stefan's POV
It's been four days and me and Freya have our army. Tomorrow is the day we fight. Greg and Gabby got a hold of our Uncle Tim and Aunt Dawn. They are the ones that have been training us all.

Our uncle, Tim, he works for the CIA. He knows how to fight. He's like Liam Neeson from Taken only 10 times stronger. He's a hybrid like Aunt Dawn. Aunt Dawn works on the force. She knows how to fight as well.

She is our mother's (aka Gracia) older sister. She and Uncle Tim were part of the same pack which is how they met. They turned when Aunt Dawn was dying of cancer and someone gave her vampire blood and that's how she turned.

When Uncle Tim found out, he wanted her to turn him so they can still be together, literally forever. But before all that happened, they had fraternal twins, Alston and Aiden.

When they came of mature age, they turned them. I know they are not our aunt and uncle by blood like with Gabby and Greg, but they are still like family to Damon and I and they are very cool people.

Then shockingly, my mom and Gabby's mom-- who is practically my mom too, have been alive this whole time looking for us, but got trapped in the 1903 prison world because they were apparently rippers. Guess I have them to thank for my ripper times. and I say that sarcastically. But it's great to have them back.

When they see Emmy sad over Andy being gone, they always know how to make her laugh again. Gabriella is more happy than all of us that her mother is back. She really missed her.

I see Elena and Damon also try and cheer Emma up too. I see in Elena's eyes that she's jealous. Not of me and Freya in that way, but she's jealous because we are able to have kids and she and Damon aren't.

I look outside and Uncle Tim is training the guys, and Aunt Dawn is training the girls, and Freya and Emmy are watching. Gabby was able to get a hold of some other hybrid friends of hers: Brook, Ebrajin, Sarena, Shontae, Erin, Michael, Jazmine, Cierra, Jontae, Naya, and Shakira.

Kol was able to get a hold of most of his witch friends and Jackson's pack came, along with him and Hayley's 8 year old son, Jesse. He says that they will make themselves turn when it's time.

These past 4 days Gabby, Greg, uncle Tim, and aunt Dawn have been teaching them not to attack us when they do turn. Ashley, Savannah, Tiffani, Annie, Alexis, and the others were able to contact their nieces and nephews. Gabby, Greg, Uncle Tim, and Aunt Dawn have been teaching them too.

Matt and Sarah are also being trained by our aunt and uncle. I know what you're probably asking yourselves right now: How did Matt and Sarah become vampires? Well, two years ago they were forcefully turned. This guy Enzo had his humanity off, so he turned them out of spite for Damon. But apparently, he is better now and here to help us, but Sarah and Matt still hate him.

Amy was able to contact her sister and some family friends to help. Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, and Jacque try to be there for Freya, but she only wants comfort from Kol. She just isn't ready yet. They put her through a lot and they understand that.

Lastly, Jay. He's been doing good on controlling the urges and him and Amy are working stuff out, especially since three days ago, he almost killed her. He's hated himself ever since, but she tells him it wasn't his fault. He doesn't listen. She and I can keep telling him that, but he will never believe us. Right now, uncle Tim is teaching him how to fight like a true vampire.

I look over at Freya and Emmy and they still look a little sad. I go over to my two favorite girls. I pull Freya into my embrace and now she is resting her head on my shoulder while holding Emmy. Emmy then lays her head on my lap while her legs are resting on Freya's lap.

I reassure them both "We will get him back. We will!" Freya sniffles and says "I know. Tomorrow we will get our baby boy back." I hold her tighter and I look over and see Elena staring at us in jealousy. She really wishes she had what we have. A child with Damon. I see her walk over to Damon who is with Uncle Tim.

I see Jacque, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah walk over and I ask "Yes?" Elijah asks "Can we have a moment with Freya, in private, please?" I look at her, wondering if it's okay. She nods her head and I say "Okay." I get up and pick Emma up and walk over to both of my mothers. Lily-- my birth mother says "Hi sweetie." Emma says "Hi!"

I ask "Can you watch her for a minute?" Gracia-- my step mom answers "Of course." I put her down and walk away, leaving her with her grandmothers and I lean against the tree in me and Freya's backyard and listen in on their conversation.

Elijah asks, sincerely "Freya, I know we have done so much to hurt you, but could you give us a second chance, please?" Freya smiles and answers "Maybe. But right now all I'm focused on is getting my son back and sending Dahlia and Silas back to hell. Can we talk about this after this whole thing with Dahlia and Silas is over?" They nod their heads in understanding and say "Of course." Freya nods her head and gets up and walks over to me, and I put my arm around her waist and kiss her forehead.

Uncle Tim and Aunt Dawn come over to us. Uncle Tim says "Well, we are all ready. Dahlia and Silas don't know what they have coming." I state in gratitude "Thank you, you guys!" Aunt Dawn replies "Anytime sweetie. We will get your son back."

I smile at her and say in determination "I know!" They smile at us and walk away. I ask Freya "Are you ready for tomorrow?" She states, fiercely "Yes. Tomorrow we get our son back." And I say "And tomorrow we fight."

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