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1 Minute into the bush walk, Kaori fell on her ass causing Yukie to do her wacky window-wiping, tire-screeching, goofy-sounding, wiper-ass laugh. Kaori then punched her.

"Should we really be going this way?" Yachi asked, looking around anxiously into the dark. She jumped at the snap of a twig.

"It's fine, Yachi. Nothing is out here," said Kiyoko.

"Mhm," you hummed. Everyone paused to look at you.

"Why did you hum like what that?" Mei asked. Well more demanded.

"You guys need to relax," you tried to reassure them. "I didn't hum in a weird way." They all have you a massive stink eye.

"Um," Yukie then laughed a little. "Yeah, you did."

"Y/n," Mako pointed her finger at you. "If there is something here, I'm gonna kill you."

"There isn't!"

"Then why did you hum like that?!"

"I hummed normally!"

"No you didn't!" And then everyone began arguing with you and whether or not you hummed strangely. It felt like you were in court or something.

"For fucks sake we're getting distracted!" You yelled over the top of everyone. They all looked a little embarrassed. The silence made all of you unsettled.

This was until Mei said, "guys I gotta take a shit, can we hurry up and get this done?"

And so, because Mei had to take a shit, you guys continued through the bushes and toward your neighbours. It wasn't a far walk, not far at all since they were only two houses down. But for this group, that seemed to be a struggle. When upon finding the house, the girls:

A: Got sprayed by a skunk! 😻

B: Got found by the police! 😻😻

C: Got found by the neighbours and turns out the bush was their private property! 😻🤭

D: All of the above! 😽😽🥰

E: started hearing funny little noises and got sucked into a tree that led them to the ocean where they were drowned and then feasted on by sirens.

What was the correct answer? DONT CHEAT AND GUESS 😻😻😽😽🤭🤭❤️❤️

The scenarios previously listed, did in fact, all happen. OK, not the last one, but the rest? Oh, yeah.

"Are we nearly there?" Mako asked, dragging her feet through the dirt lazily.

"Yeah," you answered. "Wait, we are here. That's their house!"

"Damn you weren't kidding, they're rich rich," commented Kaori as Yukie whistled because she was so blown away.

All of you ducked so as to not be seen, but as you all did this, Eri leant a little too forward and startled...something you didn't want to startle. At first, the movement frightened you all and you stumbled back, but once Eri saw the creatures eyes peeking out, she melted.
"Awww," she cooed. "Poor little guy! He probably just got spooked!"

"Uhhh," said Kiyoko. "I wouldn't go near that, Eri."

"Why not? He's harmless!" But he wasn't. As soon as Eri extended her arms out, the skunk pointed its butt in the groups general direction, and then sprayed all over the eight of you.

The group squealed and gagged and ran around crazily, as Eri sat there brutally shocked and smelling like absolute shit and piss.

From all this commotion, a rich older couple came charging outside to see a group of girls running around like madmen. To them, the all of you looked to be on heavy drugs and so they called the police. Also because you were on their property at 4am...so...yeah.

They arrived quickly with their torches and scary buff bodies. At this point, all of you had calmed down from the freak out and were now contemplating all your life choices together, staring blankly into nothing. And then suddenly, you were all staring into the glow of a light.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Aaaaaand the screaming was back.

Yachi was pleading for her life, crying and bowing repeatedly. "PLEASE SIR IM TOO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL, I'LL BE EATEN ALIVE," she wailed, her voice wobbly. She was on her hands and knees begging, getting her hello kitty pjs all dirty.

Kaori was cussing every single person out in her head, and to the cops, she stared with wide eyes. "They. All. Need. Help." And then she was crying too. The police debated if she had possibly been the one to escape from the mental asylum last week.

Mako wasn't quite done throwing up so uh...she couldn't really talk. The police didn't even go near her.

Kiyoko had curled up in an embarrassed ball on her side, trying to block the trauma out. She hit anyone who came near her.

Eri, poor sweet Eri, was still frozen in the exact position she had been in when she went to reach for the skunk that she did not know was a skunk. Yeah, that was sticking with her forever.

Mei tried stabbing the police with a stick but it broke against one of their calves. "I'm sorry for trying to stab you, please don't arrest us." She held up her hands and proceeded to tell the police to instead arrest the skunk. When they told her they couldn't, she was very upset and promised to talk to their boss.

When Yukie saw the police, she made them smell her and laughed when they gagged and recoiled from her. At least one of you was enjoying it.

And you, you no longer knew who you were.

At 4:23 am, the 8 of you got shoved into three separate cop cars. The drives were not pleasant in the slightest.

The cars:

1: you, Mei, Kiyoko

2: Yukie, Mako, Yachi

3: Eri, Kaori

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