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yachi.333 parents

(In the pic are yachi, kiyoko, noya, and tanaka <3)


In the end results of the votes, Yukie came out as the winner. Many people argued that her delivery made even more of an impact with her insults and so she won because of that reason. Kenma was no sore loser and he honestly didn't care that he lost, but he was scared of what Yukie would make him do.

"Ok Yukie, it can't be anything too dangerous," you told her as she groaned. "It can't involve any alcohol or drugs." Yukie groaned again. "And it can't, cannot, be done naked."
"Ok now you're just being mean." Kenma looked at Yukie with concern as did everyone else.
"Yukie," Kaori added. "We mean it."
"Ughhhhhh." Yukie scuffed her feet. "Fine."


"Here," you said and handed Matsukawa some water before sitting down on the bench next to him.
"Thanks," he said and took a big swig.
"Are you okay?" You asked and rubbed his back. "Ew I shouldn't have done that you're sweaty."
Matsukawa laughed. "Yeah, I'm good. You?"
"I'm good if you're good." He smiled back at you and then gave you a kiss on the head. Oikawa gagged at the both of you and so you shot him with the paintball gun.
"That was so uncalled for!" He whimpered and held onto his thigh.

Out of nowhere came Kageyama.
"Could I have that for a second?" He asked.
"Uh, sure," you said and handed the paintball gun over. Kageyama shot Oikawa in the other thigh, laughed as Oikawa squealed, and then handed it back to you.
"Thank you," he said and walked away.
"I told you he was a turd!" Oikawa said kneeling over in pain. You and Matsukawa's looked at one another and then burst out laughing.


Outside, all the mangers cleaned the water bottles from the taps and chatted as they did so. With Yukie, you tried capturing a few frogs and were unsuccessful in three attempts.
"Stop running away!" You growled.
"Maybe if we start chanting they'll come toward us."
"So smart Yukie, let's try."
"Frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs—."
"Can you two shut the fuck up and help," said Mako. "You too Hana, what the fuck are you even doing?"

"Trying to tan, duh! Leave me alone will you?" Hana scoffed and continued lying on the hot concrete.
Kaori rolled her eyes and mumbled: "maybe that vile tattoo of hers will melt off."
"What did you say Kaori?!"
"Nothing Hana!" She smiled cheerfully.
Hana eyed her carefully. "Mhm mhm okay, Im watching you Kaori."
"Wow am I lucky."
"That attitude does not look good on you."
"Everything looks good on me." Kaori sent a wink Hana's way and then continued on. Hana rolled her eyes and scoffed before laying back down.


"Wait," said Kyotani. "You and Yukie aren't cooking again tonight are you?" He asked as the two of you walked toward the cafeteria.
"We are, why?"
"Why not?!"
"Because you guys fucking suck at cooking."
"No we don't!"
"Uh, yeah you do."

"Ok yeah fine maybe we do a little bit, but we have to help out."
"You'll be helping by not cooking and poisoning us."
"That's a little dramatic, Kyo."
"Have you even tasted your own cooking?"
"Are you insane? Of course not that shit is god awful." You scoffed and walked ahead as Kyo sighed and rubbed his head.


On this night, none of you got up to investigate any sounds. Most of you went to sleep right away, but you couldn't. So, you played BitLife with Yukie and you did a bunch of crazy stuff and cried and laughed throughout the persons fake life you two had made. It was a pretty fun night, but by morning, you were delirious.

To be continued...

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