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maimai (story)

maimai (story)

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With your paintball gun in hand, you and Kiyoko led all the girls out into the hall. They all held onto each other. Kaori held up a flashlight that she had to bang against her hand every second as the batteries were fucked.

"I swear to god if something jumps out I'm gonna shit myself," said Mai.
"Me too," said Yachi. She was clutching onto Kiyoko like her life was depending on it. And in this moment, it probably was.

Then, there was second a sound. A different sound from the first. It was rumbling, but where the fuck was it coming from? Slowly, you took a step back but Mako said not today and pushed you forward quite aggressively. You stumbled but luckily caught yourself and all the girls tried to silently laugh.

At that moment, the sound revealed itself. From down the long and dark hallway, a rubbish bin came flying right past you and smacked into the other wall. The bin fell over and Noya Yuu came tumbling out with a groan.
"Fuuuck, I think that give me scoliosis."

Noya toppled over and groaned while holding onto his back until he saw the group of girls staring at him confused.
"Noya," said Kiyoko. "What the fuck are you doing?" At this, all the girls including you laughed. Noya jumped up, he lifted the bin and laughed awkwardly as if what you just witnessed didn't happen.

"Bro," Yukie wheezed. "The fuck are you up to?"
A sound of clambering feet came and a large group boys revealed themselves. Tanaka Ryu, Bokuto Kotaro, Makki Takahiro, and Kuroo Tetsuro. When they saw you all, they froze.
"Hey guys!" Bokuto tried to say casually.

"Bokuto." Kaori said. "What are you guys doing?! You scared the shit out of us!"
"We were experimenting!" Said Kuroo which needed far more context.
"Experimenting..." Mako repeated and looked over at the bin. "Right..."
"We're sorry for waking you guys up," Makki said and smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah sure whatever we forgive you," you began. "But seriously, what were you trying to achieve?"
"For real," said Hana. "Bro is asking the right questions."
"Uhhh well," said Kuroo and looked to the others for some help. He made a mistake when he gathered these group of idiots. They were no help whatsoever.
"We were..." Bokuto began and stopped almost immediately.
"It's kinda hard to explain?" Kuroo tried to reason.

"Yeah," said Tanka. "We were just sorta um...seeing if Noya could go really far and well...he did."
"It was totally awesome! There's this part up the hallways and it's sorta like a mini ramp so they pushed me down it really hard in the bin and I went zoom!" Noya explained with large enthusiasm. His hair was down which was a change and he looked super cute! But if you told him that he'd probably die. It would be even worse if Kiyoko told him that.

"And you didn't fucking invite me?" Yukie asked and looked at Bokuto. She seemed very betrayed, fake crying and all. "Ugh," she scoffed. "Don't talk to me anymore." She turned away with her arm out in a dramatic motion.
"Yukie I'm sorry! You don't like people waking you up!"
"That's true." The girls all said in unison.
"Guys! Ugh. Anyway, could I have a turn now?!"
"Wait guys," said Kaori. "Shouldn't we go to bed bed? Won't we get in trouble?"
"Since when have you cared about that?" Mai asked."
"Eh, I don't. Let's fucking do this."

"Noya, are you wearing your boxers?" Kiyoko asked.
"What? FUCK!"

To be continued...

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