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The Beach Trip Pt. 4

The girls' had dragged you to go looking for seashells along the beach and were joined by Yams. He often hung out with you girls, as well as Bokuto and a few others but your little group had snuck away from the loudness of the large group. Only if you'd left Yukie there too, because that girl would not shut the fuck up.
"Y/n! Did you know that your brother's into—."
"NO!" You shouted and covered your ears as everyone laughed.

"Woooah, look!" Yams picked up a clam and tried opening it up. When he did, all of you were shocked when you found a pearl rolling around inside. "Holy shit," said Yams in administration. None of you had expected to find something like a pearl on your volleyball beach trip. "I think I'll give it to Tsuki! He might not like it though."
Eri smiled and spoke for all of you. "I'm sure he will if it's from you, Yams." Yams smiled with blush dusting his cheeks and carefully put the pearl securely in his pocket.

Hana sighed. "This year feels like a fever dream." No one said a word in response, but you all could tell you silently agreed. Kiyoko stopped at one part of the beach and you all paused until she kicked her feet into the ocean, splashing you all. Everyone shrieked before chasing after Kiyoko and splashing her back. You all began to fight, laughing and smiling and making memories that would one day be hazy. It would always be your favourite beach trip.


As the sun set, you all lit sparklers and ran around like children. It was the last time you all could be that way before the next year. You took this opportunity to try and be happy in the moment despite everything that would follow after it ended. You joined your friends, you smiled when they did and sung your heart out just like them. Mai hugged you, whispering in your ear how lucky she felt to have you as a friend. It made you want to cry; your chest felt so tight and your throat felt painful.

But you were happy. You were so happy to know these people and to have this special year. Moving to Aoba Johsai would be something you'd never regret. If you hadn't, you wouldn't have experienced all the love you did.

When the sun finally left the sky, leaving you all in a beautiful dark blue, Mattsun sat next to you as you watched your dying sparkler. Before it could stop by itself, Matsukawa put it out with his finger. He smiled sadly at you when you looked at him, and you gave the same smile back. Without even talking, you both knew what the other was thinking.
"I'm really happy I met you," he said.
You smiled as a few tears dripped down your face. "Ditto," you said and Matsukawa chuckled.

"You'll be okay, right?" You asked.
He nodded. He half believed he was telling the truth. "As long as you will be, so will I."
"I'm sorry," you cried.
"Please don't apologise. If you do, then I'll take it as you regret it all."
"I don't—."
"Then don't apologise."
You nodded and wiped your tears away. "Okay."

Nothing had gone wrong in your relationship with Mattsun. In fact, it had been perfect. Maybe not perfect because no relationship was, but it had been precious and it had been yours. You felt silly for thinking it would never end, but when you spoke with Iwaizumi on the bus ride home, he gave you some advice you'd always hold on to. He asked you if you'd felt silly in the moments and when you said no, that answered all your questions.

Loving Mattsun had never been silly. All your feelings were very much real and important. They just didn't quite last forever, and that was okay. You made sure to tell Mattsun this on the beach, that you will always love him, just not in the same way you had. It happened slowly, the falling out of love. Maybe it was because he was leaving or maybe because it was just time. Nothing really made sense to you, but for once you felt okay with that. You didn't need all the answers at once, you'd find them eventually.

To be continued...

Why did I do this to myself-
my heart- 💔

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