Story-Time: Chapter Three

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I'm sure no one was expecting me to come back like this. If I'm being completely honest, neither was I. I've had a couple years where writing was becoming a chore more than a hobby I enjoyed, but I believe I'm finally receiving my drive to continue.

In addition to continuing the Story-Time, I was thinking of starting a new book featuring Hunter as the one and only love interest. To familiarize myself with the story since it's been a while, I read through it all. I was surprised to read multiple comments showing interest in Hunter. He was honestly one of my favorite characters to write (he, Lyle, and Cameron were my personal favs) but I didn't realize how many people loved him as well. 

Let me know if you'd like to see a spin-off story featuring him. It'd be similar to the other one I have featuring Cameron and Damien (which I hope to return to as well). I wouldn't blame my original audience for leaving after so long, but regardless of if you're new or old, I hope you'll enjoy the return of... me, lol. And my writing, that too. 

P.S - The name "Kalam" has become a sore name for me, considering it belongs to someone who was very toxic in my life and caused intense grief. Because of this, your son is now named Mathew. I hope this won't cause too much confusion.
P.S.S - The italics are the story, while non-italics are the "current day" conversations you hold with your kids and whichever brother you're with. If this is confusing to differentiate, please let me know so I can change it to be easier for you all to read.

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Bright light! Where's it coming from? I opened my eyes, to see that my bedroom light was on. Why is it...?

"Rise and shine, (y/n)!" I heard a familiar woman's voice say.

"Emily?" I asked, while sitting up.

"The one and only." Emily said, with a smile.

"What time is it?"

"Eight-twenty-one-am. We leave at nine-am, so start getting ready!" Emily said, before exiting my bedroom.

I groaned, before getting out of bed. I groggily walked over to my walk-in-closet, and searched for an outfit. Using my best morning judgment, I picked a simple outfit. It consisted of a silver t-shirt, jeans, white socks, and silver flats.

After getting my clothes and shoes on, I brushed out my hair, and put it into a ponytail. I then grabbed my black purse, and put my phone, and other important things in it.

Before leaving, I put on deodorant, perfume, and brushed my teeth. After doing those three things, I headed out of my bedroom. Turning left, I headed down the hallway. Soon, I was in the front room. When I looked at the TV/living area, I saw Lyle watching something on the TV.

"What're you watching?" I asked, while walking up to Lyle.

Lyle jumped. He obviously wasn't expecting me to surprise him like that.

"Oh, hey, (y/n). I didn't see you there. I'm just watching an anime. It's very exciting, and hilarious."

"Can I watch with you?"

"Wow Mom, I didn't realize you liked anime. What was the thing someone said at school... Yeah, you're a weeb!"

I sighed softly, trying to ignore my daughter's blatant insult. I could tell Cameron would do something if I expressed any hurt by her words, so I decided to simply go on with the story.

"Sure." Though, just as I was about to sit down, I heard someone calling my name.

"(y/n), are you ready to go?"

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now