~Chapter Sixteen~

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Now that I'm in my swimsuit, guess it's time to go to the pool!

When I arrived, I saw that Henry and I weren't the only ones celebrating either.

Lyle was splashing around, which I could tell was angering Damien, who was on a chair, trying to eat a stake. But, he kept getting splashed.

Meanwhile, Cameron was sitting on a bed floatie, just drifting in the water.

"Too bad, guess we don't have the pool to ourselves."

I turned, to see Henry, standing right behind me.

"Oh, come on, the more the merrier."

"I guess."

"Oh, (y/n)'s here! Hi, (y/n)!" Lyle said, before exiting the pool, splashing Damien in the process.

After getting out, Lyle raced up to me, and, gave me a hug.

I hugged back.

"So, you ready to celebrate!?"


"Then what shall we do?"

I thought for a moment.

"Do you guys have a net? So, we can play water volleyball?"

"Sure! I'll get it!" Lyle said, before running out.

Soon, Lyle came back, all tangled up.

"Can someone help me?"

I giggled.


Henry and I then untangled Lyle.

"Now, we just need to set it up."

On the walls of the pool, there were hooks, where we could set up the net.

Once it was all set up, we realized a problem. There were only three of us.

"Hey, Damien! Cameron! Either one of you wanting to join us?"

"Sure, I'm game!" Damien said, before setting his plate down, and, jumping into the pool.

This seemed to startle the peaceful Cameron, who ended up falling off of the floatie. When he came up...

"Damien!" Cameron said, before swimming up to Damien.

Just before any fists could be fired, I jumped in-between them.

"No fighting! Now Cameron, would you like to join us?"

"Sure, I guess."

"How're we going to set up teams? Hunter's not here."

Where is Hunter?

"I guess we'll just have to set up fair teams."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm with Damien!" I said, while grabbing Damien's arm.

Damien smirked.

"No fair!" Lyle whined.

"It's fair."


"Because, I've never played water volleyball before."


"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do great."

I smiled.

"Let's get set up!"

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ