~Chapter Twenty-One~

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Knock! Knock! Knock~

My eyes opened, and, slowly, I got out of bed.

When I opened the door, I found that it was all of my brothers.

Tears came to my eyes.

"It wasn't just a dream, was it?"

"Afraid not."

I broke down, once again.

"Hey, how about we do something to cheer ourselves up? Because, (y/n), I hate to see you frown." Lyle said, before hugging me.

"Thanks. I guess I do need to get out of my room. I have been her for the past twelve hours. So, what do you have in mind?"

"Let's go to the nearby amusement park!"

"Lyle, (y/n)'s not going to want to-"

"Sure, an amusement park sounds great."

"-want to go. Never mind. Don't listen to me."

"Let me get some things, before we leave. I should be ready in about twenty minutes."

"The nearby amusement park also has a water park in addition."

"Thirty minutes."

"Once we're all ready, do we want to drive all together? Or, do we just want to leave in groups?"

"Let's drive together. Saves money."

"Then, in that case, looks like we're driving in Damien's car."

"Great. See you in about thirty." I said, before closing my door.

Looks like I'm going to an amusement park.

After getting everything that I needed, I headed out of my room, two bags in hand.

My bags had all the essentials. I even double checked, just in case.

When I walked out, to the front, I found that my brothers were waiting for me.

"Ready to go?"


"Great! Let's go!" Lyle said, hyper as ever.

Though, what I didn't expect was for Lyle to grab my hand, and, drag me out the door.

"Lyle! Not so fast! I might trip!"

"Oops, sorry, (y/n)!" Lyle said, before slowing down.

When everyone else came, Damien unlocked the car for us.

Cameron sat in the front, next to Damien.

Hunter, Henry, and, I sat in the middle. I sat in-between the two of them.

Poor Lyle... He had to sit in the back with all of our stuff.

"No fair! I wanted to sit next to (y/n)!"

"Lyle, suck it up, and, stop complaining!"

Lyle faked cried... Until Henry slapped him. Then, Lyle full-out wailed.

"(y/n), make Henry stop!"

I sighed.

Are everyone's brothers like this?

"Henry, Lyle, shh! I'm trying to listen to the music!"

Both Henry and Lyle shut up, after that.

After about thirty minutes, the largest amusement/water park came into view. It must've been at least ten times larger than our already large mansion.

Luckily, since it was quite early, there wasn't a long line to enter.

"Okay, what do we want to do?"

"Rides!" Lyle shouted.

My other brothers said their own opinions as well.

Except Hunter.

"Guys, why don't we let (y/n) decide?"

"Oh, great idea. So, (y/n), what do you want to do?"

Everyone turned to me.

"Well, I'd really like to get some quality time with all of you, since you are my new brothers. I'd like to get to know each of you better."

"What do you suggest?"

"I suggest that I spend about two hours with each brother. The others can do whatever they want."

"Okay, that works with me." Henry said.

"Agreed." The other four said.

It's scary how they were in unison.

"Okay. Well, Damien, want to go first?"


"How about we meet up here, in two hours?"


Cameron walked off, on his own. So did Hunter, Henry, and, Lyle.

"So, where do we begin?"    

Sorry for taking a while to update. My grades were terrible. But, now, there're back to B- and above. Yay! Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now