~Chapter Nine~

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"(y/n), wake up!"

I groaned, and, pushed the hands that were shaking me away. But, the hands didn't leave.

I opened my eyes, to see Lyle's baby blue eyes.

"Hey, sis!"

I closed my eyes, and, turned away from Lyle.

"(y/n), it's time to eat."

I didn't say anything, hoping this was just a dream. That's when I felt my blanket being taken away from me.

"Hey!" I said, while sitting up.

"You're finally up!"

"Lyle, give me my blanket back!" I said, while trying to reach the blanket.

Lyle threw the blanket across the room.

"No... My blanket..."

"(y/n), don't you want to eat?"

"No. I want to sleep."

"Sorry, but, you don't get a choice." Lyle said, before grabbing my leg.

"What're you-"

Lyle tried to pull me. But, he didn't make any progress. Wow...

"Lyle, I didn't know you were so weak."

"Shut up! I'm plenty strong..."

"Sorry, but, you aren't."

"Fine..." Lyle said, before leaving.

I got out of my warm bed, and, grabbed my blanket. Sleep, here I come!

Just as I was about to get comfy, I felt myself being picked up.

"Hey! Let me go!"

"Sorry, but, you're being requested at the dinner table."

I turned my head, to face Damien.

"Let me go!"


Damien then put me in a bridal style position.

"If you struggle, I may accidentally drop you."

After that, I stopped struggling. I was silent, as Damien carried me into the dining room.

"Ah, there's my baby girl."

I glared, as Damien put me down.

"I want to sleep."

"I know. But, it's time to eat. So, sit down."

Hesitantly, I sat down. Though, all my anger was vanquished, when I saw the delicious-looking food in front of me.

My dad was sitting next to me. Guess he didn't want the seating arrangements to change.

"So, where's Cameron?" Emily asked.

I started to freak out. What do I say?!

"He's not feeling well. So, he's resting." Hunter said.

"Oh, that's too bad. I hope he feels better soon..."

I sighed, in relief. She bought it. But... How'd Hunter know about Cameron? I thought it was only Lyle and I that knew about Cameron's situation.

After trying the food, it didn't take long for me to finish the food.

"Thank you, for the food."

"Anytime. Cooking with your dad's so enjoyable."

I frowned. Only my mom should be calling my dad: 'Dad.'

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take dinner to Cameron."

"That's sweet of you."

I smiled, before clearing my plate, and, putting it in the sink. I then grabbed a plate, and, put some of the dinner on the plate.

After doing so, I headed to Cameron's room.

I knocked.

"Who is it?"

"It's (y/n). I have dinner for you."

"Come on in."

I had a little bit of trouble opening the door, But, I managed to do it, without spilling any of the dinner.

I entered, to see Cameron sitting, with his laptop on his lap.

"I hope you like (Meal you enjoy)."

"I do."


As I approached Cameron, he put the laptop aside.

"Here you go." I said, while handing Cameron the plate.

"Thanks." Cameron said, while taking the plate.

"I'm sure you'll want to eat in peace, so, I'll leave now-"

"Actually, some company would be nice."

"Oh, okay."

Guess I'll be spending some time with Cameron. Not that I mind.

I pulled up a chair, and, rolled up, next to Cameron.

For a while, I just watched Cameron eat.

"Did I not get you enough? I can get you more."

"I'll be fine, thanks."

Then, more silence. When Cameron finished, I put the plate on his desk.

"Anything you want to talk about?"


"Well, what is it?"

"What do you think of me, and, my brothers?"

What an odd question...

"Can you go deeper? I'm afraid I don't understand fully what you mean."

"I mean which is your favorite? Do you like one more than the others?"

"No. I like you all the same. Why do you ask?"

"No reason..."

Okay then...

"Well, I have to go. Told Damien that I'd watch a movie with him. So, see you tomorrow?"

"Sure." I took the dishes, and, then, left, after closing the door.

After putting the dishes in the sink, I started to look for Damien. I found him in the main living area.

"Hey, Damien."

"Hey, (y/n). I was just about to go look for you."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was just talking with Cameron. No big deal."

"Oh... Well, come, sit." Damien said, while patting the seat on the couch, next to him.

I went, and, sat next to Damien.

"So, what do you want to watch?"

"(Movie/TV show of your choice), if that's okay with you."

"Yeah, that works."

Damien then started the (Movie/TV show).

Almost immediately, Damien put his arm around me. I thought about pulling away, but, I didn't.

As the (Movie/TV show) continued, I started to get more and more tired. That's the last thing I remember. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^= 

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now