Story-Time: Chapter Five

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Okay, I'm officially lost. I have no idea where I am. Or, where I'm supposed to be. I'm positive school started ten minutes ago. This is bad!

As I was walking around, I turned the corner. And, of course, like every TV show character, that turns the corner, I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" A male's voice said.

"It's fine." I said, before looking up.

I was face to face, with a pair of sad gray eyes. The male had straight short brown hair. And, like everyone else, he was wearing the school uniform.

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm just a little bit lost."

"Oh, me too! This school is so large, it's a surprise that not more people are getting lost."

"Yeah. I'm (y/n)."


"Nice to meet you, Shinto. What class are you looking for?"

"Room three-one-nine."

"Hey, what a coincidence! That's where I'm going too. Well, trying to go to. My brother was supposed to help me... But... I guess he forgot to help me."

I could see Cameron frowning when I said this. Neither of our kids seemed to notice, so I decided to ignore it for now and keep reading.

"That's too bad. Do you want to look for the class together?"


So, Shinto and I searched. Though we knew we were too late when we heard the bell ring.

"Did we seriously miss the first block?! On the first day?!"

"Seems like it. What class do you have next?"

"I believe it's Mr. Romano's class."

"Too bad. I have a different class."

"Oh well, maybe see you later? Because I'm sure I'll get lost again."

"Yeah, sure."

Shinto then ran off. Now, I'm all alone, in a crowd of many students. What to do?

Wait, I have Henry's phone number! I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text.

Literally seconds later, I saw Henry pushing through the crowd, headed towards me. He soon caught up to me.

"Is Henry, um... what's the word...?" I could see Mathew trying to think of a specific word. Soon enough, he came up with it. "... Desperate? Yeah, that's the word. Is he desperate?"

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"That's a good way to put it. Yeah, he was always the desperate or clingy type."

"Too clingy if you ask me."

Smiling softly, I put a hand on Cameron's shoulder.

"Don't worry, it's all in the past. Besides, it's clear who I prefer now, right?"

"I suppose so."

Cameron planted a kiss on my forehead, making Scarlet look away in disgust. I mean, it's normal for kids to find 'kissy-kissy' stuff gross, right?

"(y/n), are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit lost."

"Didn't Hunter help you?"

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